Looks like the
third lawyer might actually be the charm for House Republicans. If you've been keeping track of their big lawsuit against President Obama for his executive action delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare (something Republicans actually wanted to have happen), you know that two previous attorneys dropped the bogus law suit. Since July 30, when the House passed their resolution to sue the president, the suit has languished. But now they've
finally managed to file the suit in federal court, just four months late.
WASHINGTON, DC -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today announced that the House of Representatives – consistent with the House-passed resolution H.Res. 676 – has filed litigation over President Obama’s unilateral actions on his health care law:
"Time after time, the president has chosen to ignore the will of the American people and re-write federal law on his own without a vote of Congress. That's not the way our system of government was designed to work. If this president can get away with making his own laws, future presidents will have the ability to as well. The House has an obligation to stand up for the Constitution, and that is exactly why we are pursuing this course of action."
That's some tough talk. Except for this:

The House GOP suit just asks for a ruling on the employer mandate delay. It doesn't ask for any relief or injunction or change. Just ruling.
— @GingerGibson
They don't actually want to
do anything about the employer mandate, since, again it's something they actually voted on and want to happen. As usual, they don't want to actually
do something concrete about the law, just have ammunition for talking about doing something about the law.