Michael Brown's family had a press press conference today in the aftermath of the grand jury decision to pursue no charges in the death of their son. Michael Brown Sr. declined to speak, standing silently as the family's attorneys and Rev. Al Sharpton took the podium. He wore a T-shirt with the words "No Justice, No Peace."
Family lawyer Benjamin Crump spoke first. He was angry throughout, and repeatedly lambasted the prosecutor's office for how it handled the case. "We object publicly and loudly as we can on behalf of Michael Brown's family that this process is broken. The process should be indicted. ... We could foresee what the outcome was going to be. And that's exactly what occurred last night."
He was followed by family attorney Anthony Gray, who also expressed outraged at how the case was handled. In reading the released grand jury materials, "The cynicism and sarcasm in some of the questions I read ... jumped off the page." He also stated that Officer Wilson "indicted himself," because "most of what he said did not line up" with the evidence.
"We'll hold out hope that at some point justice will be served and we will at least have a presentation of evidence that is fair and impartial ... and then we'll let the chips fall where they may."
Rev. Al Sharpton spoke last, and was equally blistering in his condemnation of the process. "I've never seen a prosecutor hold a press conference to discredit the victim." He specifically singled out McCullen's evening press conference as an attempt "to undermine the credibility of the witnesses" while other (federal) investigations are still underway, saying he went "out of his way to try to discredit a young teenager that can't speak for himself."
He also dismissed rioting in Michael Brown's name. "Michael Brown will not be remembered for the ashes of buildings burning in Ferguson. ... If you're on Michael Brown's side, you walk with dignity. If you're on Michael Brown's side, you stand up with pride." Of those that committed violent acts, "you are on your own side. ... We may have lost one round but the fight is not over."