Today's source material isn't your typical right-wing material, it's a forum site for police officers:
EXCLUSIVE! Don't curse at suspects. And don't wear body cams either. Oh, and hurray!
A grand jury cleared a white police officer Wednesday in the videotaped chokehold death of an unarmed black man stopped for selling loose, untaxed cigarettes, triggering protests in the streets by hundreds of New Yorkers who likened the case to the deadly police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.
Ahh, joyful news everyone! Well, at least if you are a corrupt bastard cop. The good ones have to realize that all of this shit makes their job harder. The bad ones? Well, they are being told that killing unarmed civilians is A-OK! Yeah, welcome to America, 2014.
both of my sons have entered police work recently, I tried my hardest to keep them out this career. It use to be a very honorable profession where you were respected but no more. I pray they reconsider and get out of it.
Why won't people respect assholes who murder unarmed civilians?
Ok ladies and gentleman we all agree this a good day for cops in use of force incidents.
Very happy for the outcome for sure.
The man should not have resisted.
Somehow I'm hearing this song," put another log on the fire "
Watch your backs out there. Oh your fronts and sides too. Going to get nasty.
The outcome was AWESOME! So happy!
Then a voice of reason:
I think the officer who really wanted him to stop selling a cig should have worried about others committing a more serious crime." Really. Go back to the academy.
What agency do you work for? whatever the crime, enforce it. Should the officers have just walked away after Mr. Garner refused to comply?
That worked well at the Bundy Ranch.
There are some bleeding hearts here, I wonder if they are LEO's or not. Hard to believe they are.
Police officers can't be liberals who think cops shouldn't be going around executing unarmed people!
People are sick and tired of thugs. Certain people better wake the hell up and stop supporting the thugs. 2 years 1 month before the head thug gets thrown out and hopefully a real POTUS gets elected.
Hmm, not Stormfront. I was confused for a second.
The press and the politicians have made martyrs out of Brown and Garner. They acted illegally and the press and politicians cater to them and indicate they are victims of the racist cops.
So the president, Holder, Nixon and Sharpton are siding with them. No one in LEADERSHIT positions siding with us. We just went back to the US AGAINST THEM DAYS AND MINDSET. I really don't believe there is anything out there worth protecting by putting your ass on the line. Misdemeanors, don't arrest. Traffic violations let it go. Do what they want you to do.........Nothing!!!!.
Somewhere along the line we became the bad guys.
White supremacists are siding with you guys. You've got that.
You see, this is why every cop in America needs a body camera. If there had been a body camera on this cop, there wouldn't be any speculation or debate. No he said, he said. Wouldn't have to worry about different witness perspectives. No arguments, no misunderstandings. We would be able to see what led up to the events and "JUSTICE" would be served. If only the cops had body cams. And let me guess...this grand jury was a sham too, right?
If only there was a body cam, people would realize the guy DESERVED TO DIE.
Having watched this video, it's clearly another case of someone being non-compliant.. Why can't people do as they are asked and take their disagreement to a court of law instead of with a street cop. I'm so bloody glad I'm retired and don't have to put up with people's crap any longer.
Everyone knows that non-compliance is punishable by death!
The job as a police officer my friends has turned to a terrible political games with the highest office in the nation interfering with our jobs. It has become extremely difficult to be a good police officer these days. We have to work around race baiters, cop haters.............
The only way to a good police officer these days is to kill unarmed civilians.
Looks like another week or so of chasing around these thugs,letting them have their way. You know this kind of lawlessness wouldn't have lasted two days in the 80"s -90"s god,I miss those days. Bay Area dept that has been castrated.
How many unarmed civilians were killed in the 80s or 90s, you know, the good old days?
Guys beware! A wanta be journalist named Bonnie Kristian from a media online place called Speed Read which is nothing but a joke of the journalism profession. She is crusing our post and screen shooting them for her twisted view slimy article.
The REAL crime here is people quoting these comments!
NYPD, NYPD Police Union please get Force Science, Dr. Darrell Ross, Dr. Ted Chan and Dr. Vincent Dimaio to review the case and do a full court press with the news media on how this was not the officers fault. If Garner would no have died (at not fault of the officers on scene) this video would be used as a training video on how quickly the resisting Mr. Garner was brought under control without the use of Pepper Spray or the Taser. Had the Pepper Spray or a Taser been used, I am sure he would have died too, then they would have been bitching why not use some sort of take down move. Geraldo Rivera said he thought the Taser should have been used first in this case. Go figure. The best thing about the Taser being used, is Taser would fight the suit tooth and nail with experts, including some of the ones listed above. This whole incident was done in seconds. It was not a long drawn out procedure.
Guys, make sure people know that the cop choking Garner to death wasn't responsible for choking Garner to death!
Do any of these protesters have jobs, because I want a job that lets me not come in so I can protest about something that I clearly dont understand! Lazy, Jobless, drains on society.
People who don't unarmed people executed by police are so lazy they are out on the streets protesting, in their la-z-boys or something.
I agree with many of the previous comments in that I'm going to steer my two sons away from Law Enforcement. Every male member of my immediate and extended family has been in the military and law enforcement. I also agree with giving the community what they want. I have heard the message loud and clear in that they do not want the police to aggressively go after criminals.
Honor dictates we give 8 hours of work for 8 hours of pay but it does not require we sacrafice ourselves for a community who routinely sides with the criminals.
Damn community doesn't want cops executing unarmed people, and that's not honorable!
Justice Department = NAACP
Thank the lord for unbiased, steadfast organizations with no agenda.
Associated Press = Toilet Paper
Do not stereotype or profile, unless its police officers or "white", then its okay because we will make tons of money on the coverage.
We are doomed.
The Klan has found its perfect line of work.
First, people have to stop calling the take-down technique a "choke-hold." Yes, many officers use that term sometimes saying, "He was choked out." However, any peace officer that has been trained on the "Lateral neck restraint" also formally referred to as, "The Kansas City Lateral Neck Restraint" will tell you that when applying the technique properly, the arm of the officer is not on the front of the throat, the pressure is applied equally on both sides of the neck, minimizing the blood flow, temporally to the brain, which again, if done correctly is supposed to put the individual unconscious for a short time, enabling the officer to place handcuffs on the suspects.
This can all be solved by calling the choke-hold something else, because we were always at war with Eurasia.
He was not choked to death. He was taken down by the neck after refusing to comply with the lawful arrest of officers of the NYPD.
He was not shot, he walked into a bullet that happened to be in the general area.
The liberal progressives in this country elected to office did so by catering to the anti-police and siding with them. So with that said you cannot expect any understanding of police tactics to keep the officer safe. They are not realists.
With that said we have to show more understanding of the progressive liberals and the other anti police. Be sensitive to their grievences, demands and wishes.
Do nothing and do it well. The new form of proactive policing.
You can't save people who don't want to be saved.
Liberals don't want us to serve and protect, which can only be done by murdering unarmed people.
Okay this is bad, right. People are protesting the POLICE and honoring CRIMINALS. And now for the multiplier: "Federal Authorities will conduct their own investigation." i.e. the first one was somehow flawed. ERIC HOLDER you are HELPING tear this country apart and attempting to tarnish my profession. Look in the mirror, do the right thing and RESIGN NOW! President Obama, if he does not do the right thing, do it for him.
Nothing says "national unity" than killing unarmed civilians. Why is OBUMMER trying to tarnish murderers in uniform?
What officers SHOULD do is nothing. This may sound horrible, but as we all have been shown, this is the truth. Most officers don't live in the neighborhood they patrol in, so if the citizens don't care about the neighborhod, why should the police? Answer calls, take reports, TAKE YOUR PAYCHECK and go home. Don't be proactive, let the neighborhood destroy itself. It's not worth our lives or our career. If people want to live among criminals, thats their choice. I hope all the businesses that burned in Ferguson relocate and do not open shop in that town again. Police can't serve people who cant serve and take care of themselves, their neighborhoods, so don't even try.
Cops are paid to murder unarmed civilians. Why won't people let them do their jobs?
I have often (of late) stated it sucks to be old. This morning I am so glad.
So you have a really big guy who doesn't want to be arrested. You talk for a bit, but at some point it is time to act. You reach out for a wrist control and he backs up, raises his hands (I would argue in a fending off motion) , so what do you do?
Once upon a time, a whack with the stick to one of his kneecaps would have dropped him like a sack of rocks. But god should forbid we actually strike someone.
So, much like the old days with a duster, you pile on board and take a wild ride to the ground. I applaud the cops of NYPD for being as polite and nice to the guy as they were (up to the point of the pile on), but at some point it is simply time to go to jail.
... or time to murder the guy. It's an either-or thing.
Once again look who is throwing us under the bus and fully attacking us DEMOCRATS. The garbage liberals and the young kids who are their base. To overcome their large base we must ban together, family, friends, police union....
We voted very well in 2014 and booted so many liberals out, we need not to forget these past few months and vote strong in 2016 straight REPUBLICAN. These progressive liberals have to go!!!!!! Hand them all pink slips.
Kinda explains the whole "cops are assholes" thing, huh?
Every news channel is covering this incident...almost all; except, foxnews is against law enforcement. Lets start with changing the news media. Make it a law they cannot lie or make up stories as they go long. If so, FCC revokes their license. Then lets throw everyone out of office that can't see the real story right in front of them. Mr President this is not a Federal Government issue, BUTT OUT!!!
Only Fox News didn't show the LIES of an actual videotape of the murder!
If you can talk you can breathe. Lets stop making excuses for criminal behavior because they are black. This guy would have died going up a flight of stairs. His diet killed him. The real victims are these poor Officers who's lives are destroyed because everyone is too afraid to speak the truth. These were bad guys, doing bad things. No one cares what color they were except the racist liberals.
He was a bad guy, because selling cigarettes is the worst crime in the world, and his diet killed him, not the guy who killed him.
Get ready for the feds, and the federal prosecutor is the same one nominated for the new AG, here we go again, might as well put Sharpton in there and pay his taxes for him.
Oh those liberals...
I can ignore the white man killed by a Salt Lake City black officer (Dillon Taylor). Although I'm not blaming the officer, because he had to take an action and did not have much time. However, neither Obama nor Holder have say a single word about this man killed by police and no one is talking about it. It seems that only black lives matters. Is Charles Barkley the only African American man with some sense? Eric Gardner and Michael Brown are dead because of the poor choices they made when lawfully confronted by the police. I wish we could allow those communities to go without cops for a couple of days to see what happens and to teach elected officials a lesson. Stay safe
Only black lives matter, yeah, that's probably it.
I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO KEEP MY 2 SONS FROM EVER, EVER BEING LEOS. This proffesion has been thrown under the bus and we have little to no support anymore. I will not let my sons be sacraficed for ungrateful, spoiled,hateful animals.
If only cops could manage to do their jobs without murdering unarmed civilians, then kids could follow in their footsteps of murdering unarmed civilians.