Our freedoms, economy, education and culture require an ability to communicate with each other openly, without restrictions or discrimination. We cannot allow our communications channels to be controlled, dominated or throttled by the highest bidders or the most wealthy among us.
An open and fair Internet guarantees that independent bands can get to their audiences at the same speeds as those on major labels. That independent filmmakers aren’t shut out of the fast streams by alliances between ISPs and studios. That disadvantaged school districts aren’t forced into slower networks than richer ones. That innovative, small American startups aren’t blocked entry by large conglomerates that control the essential communications channels necessary for growth.
The Internet is so important to our society that the protections of its neutrality are vital. This is an area where our greater national interests require the consumer and business protections that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can provide. Reclassification under Title II would protect consumers and small businesses from ISP throttling, blocking, and paid prioritization of content.
Consumer and small business protections are essential to our democracy. The best way to ensure a fair, competitive, and open Internet is to allow the FCC to implement new rules to protect us.
- Congressman Patrick Murphy
Florida's 18th District