Rarely am I ever ashamed to live in the great city of Austin, Texas...but these ignorant bigots have somehow managed to make me feel that way today.
Via Raw Story:
Angry conservative protesters disrupted the Texas Muslim Capitol Day celebration in Austin on Thursday, repeatedly shouting “No Sharia” and screaming “Go home.”
The celebration was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and according to their website, the event was “an opportunity for community members to learn about the democratic political process and how to be an advocate for important issues.” The group largely consisted of Muslim students and children, along with faith leaders.
The event was protested by a group calling itself the Patriot Defense Foundation Inc., who claimed that CAIR sought to create a climate in which it would be able to “take over” America, destroying it for “Americans [who] believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on.”
And things got really ugly.
Early in the celebration, a woman grabbed the microphone away from a Muslim speaker and shouted, “I proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over the capitol of Texas. I stand against Islam and the false prophet.”
Video of the protest shows the same woman screaming, “A prayer to a false god,” as the celebrants later prayed. The protesters then recited the Lord’s Prayer.
Local reporters said protesters shouted “Islam is a lie!” at Muslim children when they were singing the National Anthem. One protester reportedly shouted: “There’s no ‘twilight’ in Sharia!”
Protesters also shouted other pro-Christian statements peppered with cries that “Muhammad is dead” throughout the event.
There is video of all this sickening behavior at the
Protesting is an essential right in this country, granted...but shameful displays like this can only make things worse for everyone, no matter the religion (or lack thereof).
So my question is simple: When are Christians all across the country going stand up and take responsibly for the actions of these few extremists who behave so shamefully in the name of their Lord?