Love me or I'll rip your arms off.
The good news for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is that he no longer spends enough time in the state he governs to particularly care whether the residents
like him or not!
Following a recent spate of damaging headlines, Christie’s support has collapsed to just 37 percent of registered voters reporting a favorable impression, down seven points in just two months.
For the first time, a clear majority (53 percent) feels unfavorable towards the governor. His overall job approval is also clearly negative: 52 percent disapprove while 42 percent approve, a drop of six points since December.
How could this be? Oh, right, that stuff he keeps doing.
Voters have definite opinions about reasons behind the slide. Twenty percent mention his attitude, personality, and behavior; 15 percent refer specifically to “Bridgegate” and 10 percent say something about shunning his current duties to pursue presidential ambitions.
I don't know, Christie. I'm not sure how you're going to craft a credible presidential campaign when even people in
New Jersey think you're too much of an asshole. That's like winning an asshole Nobel Prize.