Where are the leaders in the Badger State? I/m not there but from the outside they appear somewhat "wimpy" What about those Union Household that gave 30% of their vote to Walker? Are they expressing remorse Where is the anger Where is the backlash?
I believe a General Strike buy all Labor and students and a boycott of Wisconsin products could do this guy in. Walkers success seems to be "divide and conquer" Well if the people came together, he can be stopped. Walker reminds me of a "high-school bully" who will continue until someone beats the "shit" out of him - I'm from Brooklyn that's the street lingo
As much as I love Wisconsin Munster and the clothes made by the Duluth Trading Company are good products (you can even buy American products) We need to send a message that this man is intolerable and needs to be fought with all of our being. Someone will be humiliated , others jailed Sorry that's the history of Labor and Social Activism in America (if not the world )
Can we hear from people in Wisconsin? Whats the mood? Whats the feeling? How did this guy get to be unstoppable?
I am tired of hearing "this guy will "self destruct" They said that about Regan. What happened there?