In blatant defiance of the Obama Administration's attempts to reach a diplomatic agreement with Iran, House Speaker John Boehner had Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speak to a joint session of Congress this week.
While Netanyahu spoke, the Daily Kos community had something to say as well. Over 58,000 Daily Kos members sent more than 175,000 emails to their members of Congress to demand: No new sanctions on Iran. Give peace a chance.
Add your voice here. Please take five minutes to make a phone call to your member of Congress, urging them to reject sanctions on Iran. Let diplomacy work.
To reach your members of Congress, call the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121. After you're done, please fill out this form to let us know how the calls went.
Please head below the fold for more.
Negotiations with Iran are working, but saber-rattling neoconservatives are provoking another war of choice. If Congress passes new sanctions on Iran, it will likely blow up the peace talks.
Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq in 2002, and he’s wrong about Iran today. And bringing him without consulting the White House was disrespectful to the Obama Administration.
Daily Kos members have actively opposed another War with Iran—as neoconservatives try every year to push additional sanctions. Last year, we successfully stopped Democrats like Sen. Bob Menendez from joining with Republicans—and our efforts were acknowledged.
Before the December [2013] recess, the Senate's pro-sanctions faction was surging. Senators—including Democrats who are typically Obama loyalists—were agreeing with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's claim that the nuclear negotiations with Iran bordered on capitulation. So how did Obama turn the tide? [....]
[A] resurgent progressive movement that capitalized on a war-weary public to push Democrats in Obama's direction., Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and other liberal media outlets have mobilized against Democrats who supported sanctions, accusing them of undermining Obama with warmongering and asking, "Where's the antiwar Left?"
This time around, Senator Menendez
has withdrawn his support for the Iran sanctions bill—proving that momentum is clearly on our side.
We can stop war with Iran by telling members of Congress that additional sanctions on Iran are dangerous and reckless. We've done it before, and we can do it again.
Please take five minutes to make a phone call to your member of Congress, urging them to reject sanctions on Iran at (202) 224-3121. Let diplomacy work.
Afterward, please fill out this form to let us know how the phone call went.