As we learned yesterday that professional puppeteer Bill Kristol, and all-round sceezy guy, has no shortage of Bad Advice, to give us -- an otherwise nation of mostly 'good people' ...
• [the war in Iraq] "could have terrifically good effects troughout the Middle East"
-- September 18, 2002 column
• [removing Saddam] "would start a chain reaction in the Arab world that would be very healthy"
-- November 21, 2002
• If we free the people of Iraq, we will be respected in the Arab world... and I think we will be respected around the world.
-- February 20, 2003
You would think with a backassward track-record like that -- Kristol would have lost his Media Soapbox punch-card, a long long time ago.
Nope, he is still quite full of himself, and busy making the Media rounds, as per usual. Recently we've learned about this startling Kristol-funded rationalization, concerning the national outrage surrounding that "unprecedented" Iran Letter:
Like Bill Kristol of the Emergency Committee for Israel:
Cotton open letter: “Just so you know, we’re a constitutional democracy. Congress (or next president) has a say.” Dem response: Hysteria.
There’s a reason for Williams’s suspicion. Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel gave Tom Cotton nearly $1 million in his race for the Senate just five months ago, Eli Clifton reported. “Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month.”
Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from Kristol’s ‘Emergency C’tee for Israel’ -- by Philip Weiss, -- Mar 10, 2015
And then there charming this Bill Kristol-ism ... Can anyone say "$20 on Cotton in 2016 GOP VP-pool"?
“Tom Cotton is ahead of the mainstream of Republicans on foreign policy thinking,” said Bill Kristol, the editor of the conservative Weekly Standard and an early supporter of Mr. Cotton’s political career. “Most of those running in 2016 will sound a lot more like Cotton than Rand Paul.”
Senator Behind Iran Letter Is Latest Freshman Republican to Stir Things Up
by Jennifer Steinhauer, -- March 11, 2015
But lest, we think Bill Kristol is a one-drum-note tin-soldier -- he also has some bombastic role-models, in high places -- sometimes even in our Congress:
Neoconservative activist and intellectual William Kristol brings the two episodes together in a fit of inadvertent insight, arguing in the same column that “Giuliani had struck a nerve,” and that Netanyahu is “more of an America-lover than Barack Obama.” Yes, that’s right. Kristol is simultaneously impugning the patriotism of the president of the United States and comparing him unfavorably to a foreign leader.
Kristol: Netanyahu Loves America More Than Obama Does
by Jonathan Chait --
But Kristol does not contain his venom solely targeted on Foreign affairs either. It seems he has some quaint rationalizations concerning "institutional racism," and its root causes, right here at home ...
“Popular culture becomes a cesspool, a lot corporations profit off of it, and then people are surprised that some drunk 19-year-old kids repeat what they’ve been hearing,” said Bill Kristol.
Morning Joe, Bill Kristol Blame Racist SAE Video on Rap Music
by Evan McMurry, -- March 11, 2015
If only that were enough, to make him a 'has-been'.
Nope. Bill Kristol knows how to curry favor (by kissing the butts) of those who give him -- his uncontested Media Soapbox propaganda-mic:
Prompted by host Joe Scarborough, Kristol tallied off the nine Republicans he thinks will be finalists for the 2016 Republican nomination -- and one of the nine was Scarborough himself.
“Why would you put Joe on that list?” show co-host Mika Brzezinski asked.
“He’s a former elected official. He’s got a real following out there. He’ll fill the Jon Huntsman lane,” Kristol said with a wry smile, eliciting cackles from Scarborough.
Kristol to Scarborough: You’ll run in 2016 to ‘fill the Jon Huntsman lane’ -- Feb 3, 2015
Bill Kristol would be a King-maker. As long as that "otherwise nation of mostly 'good people'" -- does not see fit, to make him 21st Century King.
“Am I the only one who finds Hillary’s #GrandmothersKnowBest hashtag not just cloying but creepy? Welcome to the grand-nanny state,” tweeted Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard.
Hillary Clinton, grandma-in-chief
by Gabriel Debenedetti, -- Feb 3, 2015
As I said at the top: Bill Kristol says the Damnedest Things ...
The enduring and on-going question is -- WHY do they let him?