In an appearance today on The Hugh Hewitt Show former Vice President Dick Cheney joined his party in clamoring for a new war and as he attempted to whip up jingoistic feelings in his audience Cheney claimed that Barack Obama was the worst president in our nation's history.
HEWITT: Is he naive, Mr. Vice President? Or does he have a far reaching vision that only he entertains of a realigned Middle East. That somehow it all works out in the end.
CHENEY: I don’t know Hugh. I vacillate between the various theories I’ve heard. If you had somebody who, as president — who wanted to take America down. Who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world, reduce our capacity to influence events. Turn our back on our allies and encourage our enemies, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama is doing. I think his actions are constituted in my mind are those of the worst president we’ve ever had.
Cheney's preposterous claim is to borrow a phrase from Valerie Plame's response to Judith Miller's WSJ piece (of garbage)
Your attempt to re-write history is both pathetic and self-serving.