Michelle Obama gave the commencement address at Tuskegee University last Saturday. Speaking at the hundred-plus-year-old school whose first teacher was a young Booker T. Washington, she spoke about her experiences being black in America. Needless to say, this caused a stampede to the
pundit-designated fainting couches.
Hannity claimed that Obama's recent speech is "a culmination of anger, deep rooted anger, that has built up in Michelle Obama." Hannity went on, "It's kind of sad. There's a bitterness here to the whole experience of being first lady, a lack of appreciation for the opportunities that they've had."
Being angry at past racist incidents is, of course, the first step to becoming uppity. Best just be grateful. Grateful, I tell you, or creepy but proudly not-at-all-racist radio show hosts like Laura Ingraham will be scuttling out of every nook and crevice to question whether you have
really ever experienced racism in this country or whether you're just making it up to make America look bad.
I don't believe that story, never did. [...] That just wasn't true. But this is the First Lady of the United States who has reached the pinnacle of success in our country, her husband has, and this was a litany of victimization which is exactly what we want young African-American graduates of a terrific university to take away with.
Even Ann Coulter
climbed out of her coffin to weigh in, which for Ann Coulter consisted of references to Reverend Wright and slavery and her belief that there was not one "peaceful" protester
in all of Baltimore.
"As if work-a-day blacks are rushing out to protest Freddie Gray. No they aren’t,” she said.
No doubt all the
work-a-day blacks have gotten too riled up by America's First Lady claiming racism still exists when it clearly doesn't. But you can hardly blame Michelle Obama for not knowing that, given that she probably only got into her prestigious college and prestigious job
due to "affirmative action."
"By the way, why didn't the first lady share that the reason she got into Princeton was probably because of affirmative action?" [McGlowan] added. [...]
“The reason she became an associate at a law firm was probably because of diversity, that they needed a woman," she said. "I’m not saying she wasn’t qualified. But they needed a woman, and a woman of color.
See there? How dare the First Lady think racism still exists in this country. White Americans give and give to undeserving, uppity always-angry never-peaceful The Blacks like her, and she still does not appreciate just how goddamn tolerant and open-minded and charitable Sean Hannity and the Fox News team have been. Now she's filling young graduates' heads with stories about an America filled with bigots and assholes, people who will presume all your grievances are manufactured and that anything you have ever accomplished in your life happened through the pure charity of white Americans giving those things to you.
What was she thinking.