Cleveland Police Union President Steve Loomis
Death by paperwork?
Officers could be hesitant to draw their guns because doing so would result in more paperwork under the terms of the agreement, Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association president Steve Loomis said Wednesday. The agreement requires an officer to complete a report each time he or she points a gun at a suspect.
"It's going to get somebody killed," Loomis said. "There's going to be a time when someone isn't going to want to do that paperwork, so he's going to keep that gun in its holster."
When Steve Loomis speaks, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. The ignorance is so preposterous, so far-fetched, so comical, that it sincerely seems as if it's made for satire. Then, when you consider that he isn't joking, the gravity, the depravity, the magnitude of the problem unforgivingly kicks you in the face. This man is dead damn serious.
He truly thinks that the idea of Cleveland police officers having to fill out reports when they point their guns at someone is such a nuisance that an officer is going to get himself killed to avoid writing such a report.
Hell, did you even know that officers weren't required to fill out a report when they pointed their gun at someone? I think most of us assumed this was already a requirement.
And, in the long-shot chance that Steve Loomis is correct, that officers, terrified at the idea of extra paperwork, would allow themselves to get killed, we have a whole new set of problems we need to address.
What a mess.