Greetings, top comments readers. This is my first top comments diary, so I thought I'd introduce myself by clearing up the (possible) confusion as to what my nickname is, why I chose it, and explain and discuss it a bit. But, first I need to do a disclaimer of sorts. I wrote an astrology diary some time ago, and a couple of lines in that diary were not very well written. It led some of our science geeks to think that I meant there was some scientific basis to astrology. No, I don't think that. The diary was meant as entertainment, not as a science diary; but, I got into a little bit of trouble anyway. So, hopefully this disclaimer will ease any troubled minds. Please don't take anything I write in this diary too seriously. Just have fun with it. Follow me below the fold to learn about librarisingnsf. And, special thanks go out to Steven and Ben for helping me to get the diary ready to published.
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A number of folks on Daily Kos have mentioned that my nickname was a bit difficult to figure out and confused them. Some said that it looked like "librarian" something. But, if I add spaces and spell out all the words it's "libra rising in San Francisco." It relates to the astrological sign of libra, and it's my rising sign. What is a rising sign? It is the zodiacal sign (as opposed to the astronomical constellation, which can be quite different) rising or ascending on the eastern horizon at the exact time of one's birth in the exact place of his/her birth. Why libra rising? Well, because it actually is my rising sign and because libra is the sign of equality, partnership (marriage), and justice. Since most of what I have been writing about is marriage equality, it seemed appropriate.
You might wonder what a rising sign is suppose to means in the natal chart of a person. The rising sign (or, the ascendant) is symbolic for one's personality and personal appearance. It is the first impression we make on others at first meeting. It is our defense mechanism. From
The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual's first, natural reaction to new people and situations.
My mother was into astrology for a time in her life, and she gave me one of her older books on the topic, so I studied up on it. I do admit that I like all the analysis, the graphs, and the math/geometry that is used in astrology. The book is "Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook" by Debbi Kempton-Smith. Ms Kempton-Smith has a great sense of humor, so the book was quite entertaining (even fun) to read. What does she say/write about libra rising?
Even the ones who look like toads look like good-looking toads. The skin has an unearthly translucent quality, and there's often a bland run-of-the-mill prettiness you see in the male and female models in television commercials. Real stunners, too, often have this rising sign, like Liz Taylor. Let a Libra ascending man tell the rest of the story: "It's easy for me to switch on a sort of public relations charm," he says, "Especially when I want to manipulate somebody. Oddly enough, it's never entirely cynical and insincere. I usually feel that we are two nice people having a friendly chat even when I've blatantly lied to someone. Lying for me is almost always motivated by the desire to keep personal relationships harmonious. I have no scruples or qualms about that at all. If I lie for personal gain or to escape the consequences of something, I feel very bad about it. A friend of a friend some months ago lent me a book of cartoons. I saw him about a week ago and he asked me if I liked the cartoons. I said yes, although I thought in fact they were vulgar and unfunny. The motive for lying was not wishing to seem unappreciative of his gesture of lending me the book -- unsolicited by me." This good-looking guy wouldn't even hurt a stranger, let alone a friend.
Does that sound like librarisingnsf, you ask. I don't know - you tell me. I will say that I'm probably one of the toads, although my view is that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And, while I don't like hurting others' feelings, I don't like lying either (maybe my Sun in Aquarius). I'd probably look for a very diplomatic and the least painful way to say the truth (if possible).
Want to know a famous male with Libra rising in his chart? I give you Jon Bon Jovi.
His new single follows -
Beautiful Day:
Lest you think otherwise, there are some evil folks with Libra rising in their charts too, such as Adolph Hitler. Ugh! Obviously, one cannot define such stereotypes too narrowly.
Now, on to the top comments.
May 31, 2015
Thanks to tonight's Top Comments contributors! Let us hear from YOU
when you find that proficient comment.
From KDfrAZ:
Okay, I will admit to a perverse delight in puns. This one's a gem. It's from deh, commenting in Hunter's diary, "Tattooed Christian Rappers for Ted Cruz is a thing."
From Crashing Vor:
I doubt seriously I'm the first to declare nuclear winter solstice's drop in the Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Theology And Numerology Edition a top comment. This diary starts out discussing the Duggar issue and why virtually every Republican presidential candidate supported them. The comment generated an interesting thread.
Flagged By Gertie Green and sent in by cohenzee:
A comment by Denise Oliver Velez in her front page diary tells us about how viable black communities were destroyed beginning during Reconstruction. As always, Denise's diaries and comments are quite educational.
May 30, 2015
Enjoy jotter's wonderful PictureQuilt™ below. Just click on the picture and it will magically take you to the comment that features that photo. Have fun, Kossacks!