After Hillary Clinton
took Republicans to task Thursday for intentionally trying to restrict the voting rights of minorities, the new, improved and ever sophisticated Rick Perry knew just what to do: compare voting to flying. Caitlin Macneal
On "Fox and Friends" Friday morning, Perry said he thinks "it makes sense to have a photo ID to be able to vote." And he brought up the requirement to present a photo ID in order to fly on commercial airplanes numerous times while defending his voter ID law.
"When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday, I had to show my photo I.D."
In 2011, Perry signed a Texas law requiring voters to show a photo ID. He managed to get the flying jab in at least three times on Fox. Genius! Maybe it hasn't occurred to him that not everyone flies, or that there's no rational relationship between flying and voting.
But c'mon guys, it just "makes sense."
"When you look across the state of Texas and you see what we've done in that state to really empower minorities. As a matter of fact, the highest high school graduation rate for African-Americans in America is in the state of Texas. The highest Hispanic graduation rate is in Texas. Those are empowerments," he said. "They want to be protected when they get on an airplane as well."
Looks like those glasses only get you so far in the brainy department.