It's that time of year again ... time for Pride celebrations in many of the major cities in the USA. And, Alaska Airlines , which has a very diverse workforce, has decided to join in the celebrations by offering discounts to travelers traveling to gay-friendly destinations nationwide. I think it's a great idea, but the religious right wingnuts among us are quite upset and outraged. First of all, it's unfair, dammit. And, second of all, it is probably sinful to support such degradation and awful sexual celebration.
From Alaska Airlines:
At Alaska, we have been longtime supporters of the LGBT community and remain committed to a more equitable society. We were elated when the State of Washington expressed the same commitment by legalizing marriage for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. To show our continued support we are encouraging the LGBT community to travel, not only to Seattle, but to Pride events and gay friendly destinations all over the country. With that aim, we have put together this section of our site to highlight destinations that support marriage equality, Pride celebrations, and other things of interest to the LGBT community. Make sure to check out our flight deals for low fares to your favorite cities and take a look at our group rates when planning special events, from birthdays to weddings.
Free Republic:
The establishment campaign to promote disease-spreading and culture-corroding perversity has reached the point that Alaska Airlines now implies discounts for homosexuals. How applying cultural Marxism with special “Pride Discounts” for groups favored by liberals will make for a more “equitable society” is left for college professors to explain. It’s their airline; to the extent the government leaves them alone, they are free to push whatever agenda they want, just as we are free to take any other transportation we can find including dog sleds rather than fly Alaska Airlines. But imagine how fast Big Government would come down on them if their advertisements led people to believe they could get a discount for being sexually healthy.
(H/T Joe.My.God)
Right Wing Watch has a post up dated Wednesday of this week about how the religious right is now outraged at corporate America for being pro marriage equality. This is in contrast to their past support.
From Right Wing Watch:
Conservative religious leaders have been delighted to work with parts of corporate America – most notably the Koch brothers’ political networks – to elect candidates who back right-wing social and economic policies. Religious conservatives have championed Citizens United and the demolition of regulations on campaign cash. The Kochs even promote Religious Right leaders who tell their followers that the Bible opposes minimum wage laws, unions, and progressive taxes. But many of America’s biggest companies have also become supporters of equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, and that’s making religious conservatives angry.
Today’s mail brought a direct mail letter from the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins complaining, “Big Business has joined the anti-Christian bullies!” Perkins warns that “the seduction of Big Business by the homosexual rights movement is the main reason that movement has gained such momentum over our freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs.” Perkins asks for donations to “Stop Big Business’s Assault on Religious Freedom” and to support an FRC initiative to talk to business leaders and bring them around.
Speaking of Tony Perkins, here is a part of his ridiculous screed today.
Gay Pride Month' is just beginning -- but we can't say the same for the administration's pandering. In the last seven years, Americans have witnessed an almost perpetual parade of deviance, with the President grand marshalling them all! Now, the government's rainbow love fest is spilling over into the military, where each branch is racing to out-sexualize the other.
Meanwhile, Tom Delay says that "all hell will break loose" if the SCOTUS rules in favor of marriage equality. He's also stated that the executive and legislative branches do not need to adhere to the decision. I'm not sure what either branch of the government could do about it at the national level since marriage is mostly governed and legislated at the state level.
I'm guessing that it's going to be one helluva wonderful Pride celebration throughout the country this year, especially if we can get a favorable SCOTUS ruling on marriage equality before then. In that spirit, here is a new marriage equality anthem from Jennifer Hudson.