Seriously. The founder of SpaceX once wrote a company-wide email to all employees of his rocket company, warning them that he would take “drastic action” if they continued to make up acronyms for their corporate language.
In a memo named EMERGE (Elon Musk Erects Rational Guidelines for Employees), Musk advised that all workers must employ CADCAM (Cease and Desist Corporate Acronym Monstrosities), lest they fall into some cute, but unproductive dialects and mangled words (CUD). One of the threatened retaliations consisted of LOYALTY (loss of your actual labor terms yesterday) while another consisted of DEATH (Direct Employment Adversity To the Hiree).
WTF? Next he will stomp on twitter.
Bravo, Elon. About time that a corporation knew what is important (ATTACK).
Feel free to add your own acronym congratulating Musk.