Here are some of the 2016 Republican candidates for president, weighing in on Thursday's Supreme Court
decision that upheld the subsidies in Obamacare that allows more than eight million Americans to afford health insurance.
- Jeb! Bush: "This decision is not the end of the fight against Obamacare."
- Ted Cruz: "You the teenage immigrant washing dishes are paying illegal taxes right now today because of President Obama's deception, because of the IRS's lawlessness and because of the Supreme Court's judicial activism, violating their oaths of office ... I remain fully committed to repealing every single word of Obamacare."
- Marco Rubio: "Despite the Court’s decision, ObamaCare is still a bad law that is having a negative impact on our country and on millions of Americans. I remain committed to repealing this bad law and replacing it ..."
- Scott Walker: "Republicans must redouble their efforts to repeal and replace this destructive and costly law."
- Rand Paul: "This decision turns both the rule of law and common sense on its head."
- Today's King v. Burwell decision, which protects and expands ObamaCare, is an out-of-control act of judicial tyranny ... repeal ObamaCare, and pass real reform ...
- Rick Perry: "While I disagree with the ruling, it was never up to the Supreme Court to save us from Obamacare. […] It’s time we repealed Obamacare and replaced it ...
- Chris Christie: "This decision turns common language on its head. Now leaders must turn our attention to making the case that ObamaCare must be replaced."
- Bobby Jindal: "President Obama would like this to be the end of the debate on Obamacare, but it isn’t. […] Now that the Supreme Court has ruled, the debate will grow. Conservatives must be fearless in demanding that our leaders in Washington repeal and replace Obamacare with a plan that will lower health care costs and restore freedom."
- Lindsey Graham: "Today’s decision only reinforces why we need a president who will bring about real reform that repeals Obamacare and replaces it with a plan that expands consumer choice, increases coverage, delivers better value for the dollar, and gives states more control, without stifling job creation.
- Ben Carson: "Those of us who pledge to repeal #Obamacare must redouble our efforts and not waste time and energy mourning today's #SCOTUS ruling."
- Mike Huckabee: "Today's King v. Burwell decision, which protects and expands ObamaCare, is an out-of-control act of judicial tyranny. […] As President, I will protect Medicare, repeal ObamaCare, and pass real reform that will actually lower costs, while focusing on cures and prevention rather than intervention."
- Clown: "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Car."
Yes, the 2016 Republican field will be running on the promise of taking away health care for millions. Clowns.