Recently, in the wake of SCOTUS's
5-4 Obergefell v. Hodges decision handed down on June 26th, 2015 legalizing marriage equality across the United States of America and its territories, prominent evangelical Facebook "Pastor"
Joshua Feuerstein took to his page to slam the ruling with his usual vitriol. Of course, his gullible followers joined in on the denigrating of marriage equality and LGBTQ people in general. However, there were people who were smart and courageous enough to smack down his deranged assertions with messages of supporting the verdict and LGBTQ rights.
Part one of his video rant on SCOTUS' decision, falsely declaring a "Christian Holocaust" will happen to scare his followers:
Feuerstein playing the debunked "Pastors will get arrested for preaching against homosexuality" canard:
Meme expressing his opposition to marriage equality:
Playing the "God defines marriage, not the Supreme Court" card to further excuse his homophobia:
Yet another video attacking the SCOTUS decision:
Feuerstein co-opting the pro-LGBTQ "Love Wins" phrase for his own mean-spirited homophobic use
Phony "Christian" Fearmongerstein playing the "you can't be Christian and support gay marriage" card:
I hate to break it to you, Mr. Feuerstein and your ilk,
but you can be a Christian and support marriage equality at the same time.
Him playing the "LGBT Pride Parades offend me" card:
He's playing the "No one is born gay" falsehood:
Benjamin Dixon at gives a scathing takedown of Fearmongerstein's lies:
Joshua Feuerstein’s recent video response to the Supreme Court decision has gone viral with over 1.6 million views on Facebook. In this video, Feuerstein insists that the landmark decision on gay marriage will usher in the Christian Holocaust where any Christian who speaks out against gay marriage will be herded into “Obama concentration camps.” But, this article is not about him. As self-serving as it may seem, this article is about my response to him. I had no choice. I absolutely had to do it.
AngryAxew's brutally sharp and to the point YouTube commentary on debunking Feuerstein:
The full unedited and raw version of Feuerstein's deulsional bigoted rant against SCOTUS's Obergefell v. Hodges decision
This is more proof that Feuerstein and his ilk are hateful imbeciles and not true Christians in any sense of the word.