It's time to vote on your favorite 2016 Democratic presidential primary candidate! But before we get to business, let's review the status of the race on Daily Kos thus far:
7/9 6/23 6/9
Clinton 29 31 24
Sanders 67 63 69
O'Malley 1 1 2
Other 1 0 1
No clue 2 1 2
That's what "zero movement" looks like. Yeah, there's a little bouncing around, but it's all within whatever margin of error you would expect of such an unscientific poll. Much like national polling has shown, people are pretty decided. There's the crowd that prefers Hillary, there's the crowd prefers Sanders, and both sides appear hardened in.
Daily Kos is whiter (79%), younger (47% under 44), more male (67%), and more educated (just 21% have no college) than the typical Democratic primary voter. If Sanders wants to be genuinely viable, he has to break out of the Daily Kos demographic and appeal to a larger subset of the party.
(And as an aside, I'm personally very focused on working to have Daily Kos break out of the Daily Kos demographic in the years ahead so that we better reflect the Democratic coalition. I consider it an existentialist challenge. How can we represent the party if we don't look like the party?)
Alright, go ahead and vote!