If you're at all curious about what's so appealing about Bernie, why so many people are fired up about this obscure socialist from Vermont, just watch him speaking truth to power:
On Climate Change Denial
On the 1%
A comment at YouTube on the above video:
"WOW" "Watch it TWICE!" A real person, talking the truth, in the US Senate? It Must Be A Hologram or a Dream! Do Not Get Angry, Get Empowered With Information! He Will Be A Contender IN 2016!
Simply put, Bernie eats, sleeps and breathes all the issues that matter most, not only to him but to all of us. He doesn't read from teleprompters or memorize poll-tested speeches written by a committee of writers. He speaks from the heart with knowledge, clarity and passion. His intelligence, honesty and integrity are unassailable and his commitment is unshakable. He knows what ails us and he knows what we need to do about it. Even better, he's committed to doing it.
"The billionaire class now owns the economy and they are working day and night to make certain that they own the United States government."
Bernie Sanders
How much he cares is plain to see. Yes, of course he is imperfect, who isn't? But the truth is, we don't have anyone else like him in public life.
With respect to the grave threat of climate change, we are at a critical junction, not just nationally but globally. What happens to our climate in the too near future depends on what steps we take NOW. We need to seize this opportunity to elect someone who takes this seriously and who is committed to ACTION. This unprecedented opportunity to break the cycle of corruption and inaction won't come again. This is very likely our last chance to get real about climate change.
Bernie is out to actually change things, not just feather his own nest as we see in so many of our politicians. He's the real deal. He's authentic. He has earned his stellar reputation as a deeply committed activist and progressive icon the hard way – both in the streets and in the halls of Congress. I trust Bernie to keep fighting passionately for us as president...just as he always has.
This election is not about polls, strategies or electoral calculus. It's not about horse races, or who is strong in this demographic or that demographic, or who all the SuperPACs and billionaires are backing, or what the Washington insiders or the Koch brothers want us to believe. With climate change bearing down on us, this is about the ultimate survival of the human race. Shit has gotten real. I trust Bernie to do the right thing. You can too.
“As the nation at last confronts global warming, it is no time for denial, greed, cynicism or pessimism. It is a time for vision and international leadership. It is a time for transforming our energy system from the polluting and carbon-emitting technologies of the nineteenth century into the unlimited and extraordinary energy possibilities of the twenty-first. When we do that we will not only solve the global warming crisis; we will open up unimaginable opportunities for improving life all over the planet.”
Bernie Sanders
NOTE: I'm updating the diary per the recommendation of Lysis in the comments to include this video from the night before the BLM protest at Netroots Nation:
We have another stellar update from tahoebasha2 in the comments: