Spread far and wide to your conservative friends. . . .
It was only a matter of time until a physician caught Dr. Ben Carson out as a hypocrite.
Dr. Carson, like everyone, is entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong, What he says doesn’t change the fact that fetal tissue plays a vital role in medical research. For example it is being used to develop a vaccine against Ebola. Many researchers depend on fetal tissue to understand and hopefully develop treatment for a myriad of conditions from blindness to HIV. Without fetal tissue neurosciences research, something essential for the development of neurosurgical techniques, would be far less developed. Dr. Carson should be intimately aware of this fact.
Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who is seeking the GOP nomination for President, is opposed to foetal tissue research. He claims nothing can be learned from it that cannot be learned in another way. He has flogged this position on FOX News Channel and on Breitbart.
Unsurprisingly, he is a hypocrite. While giving that opinion repeatedly, during campaign events and the FOX News Channel Presidential debates, he neglected to mention his own paper, where he used foetal tissue for research.
(The second link goes to the Pubmed abstract, the first link has photographs of the original article published in a journal. He used nine- and seventeen-week foetal tissue in his research.)
He falls into the same camp as certain pro-lifers who argue “my abortion is okay but yours is immoral.” In Dr. Carson’s case, that would be, “My foetal tissue research is okay but yours is immoral.” (Doubly for his position on defunding Planned Parenthood, where he likely got his foetal tissue for his moral research.)
Stick a fork in Dr. Carson’s campaign: he’s done. Another exit from the GOP Klown Kar. (The first is likely to be Rick Perry, who has run out of money and hasn’t paid his staff in two weeks along with that pesky felony charge of abuse of power hanging over him.)
http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/... (Goes to a list of pro-lifer stories where their abortion was moral but everyone else’s was not. It is an enlightening view of hypocrisy.)
I will likely be going to bed shortly, but have fun discussing Dr. Ben Carson's implosion. Also, please forward to people like Rachel Maddow and The Young Turks. Also spread to Facebook and Twitter, as I do not have accounts at those sites.