And of course the conservatives just Lurve these guys...
...when they claim that they've both faced discrimination
because they're fat, and they've managed to suffer through it, so why can't all you black people and black lives activists just
suck it up and grin and bear the burden?
No really, they did say that.
“There’s so much hate and there’s so many things on social media,” Jones explained to WAGA. “And there’s so many people that shouldn’t be heard. Yet, social media, now they have outlets to put out hatred and spew things.”
“We posted the photo to send out the message that I care about him, he cares about me, and our race has nothing to do with it,” the chief continued. “We’re both fat guys. And there’s some hate that we endure because of that. There’s hatred that people make fun of us because of our size and all that.”
Body shaming is of course a real thing. It's a serious thing, it drives some people to live long self-esteem an emotional issues. It drives some to anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders or to an addiction to diet pills and/or excessive exercising.
But there's never been a law against a heavy person marrying a thin person. There's never been a law against a heavy person going to a certain school, or living in a certain house in a certain neighborhood, heavy people have certain been bullied for their size, and harassed and terrorized for it, but rarely assaulted and murdered, let alone lynched.
We have never, ever, even jokingly considered having a the Civil Rights Act expanded to cover not just race, gender, age, military service, physical & mental disabilities to also cover - fat people. Maybe we should, but it's simply not on the table. Yet.
[Yes, heavy people get bullied and brutalized for being heavy, ala Eric Garner but...] That issue is not anything like the need to address systemic governmental discrimination, harassment, profiling, violence and murder because of all those other things.
So great, "His-> Life Matters" and "<-His Life Matters" but apparently not Yours or for that matter, Mine. Kinda typical, ain't it?
Video and more pointing out how clueless these two guys are over the flip.
Via Rawstory.
Givens, who is black, told the station that he felt that the Black Lives Matter movement “was a wash.”
“I feel that is nothing but a hate group, and is no different than the KKK and the Black Panthers,” Givens opined. “We as a country and a community need to find a way to heal our nation.”
“Pray for our nation, to pray for our government, our local leaders, and law enforcement,” the officer added. “If we come together, without the hate and bitterness, we will overcome adversity.”
The fact that this guy first of all thinks that #BLM represents "Hate" and not
Enormous Frustration after decades of inaction due to the continued violent and predatory practices of police departments around that nation is really just plain sad and pathetic.
How many people have the #BLM Lynched, the way the KKK did?
How many people have the #BLM forced to ride in the back of buses, or to attend segregated schools as the KKK did?
How many people have the #BLM physical brutalized with sticks, rocks and dogs as the KKK did for just about a century?
How many people have #BLM shot in the back while they ran away? Or while they held a toy gun? Or while they held a toy sword? Or while they, Yes, Damnit, had their hands in the air?
All #BLM has done, so far, is be noisy. Maybe a bit rude, somewhat strident, but basically noisy. They make people uncomfortable and as far as I'm concerned that's a good thing. Comfortable people are complacent and complacency isn't gonna get Shit Done.
There's no comparison between them and the KKK, Simply. None.
Both of these Officers appeared on Fox and Friends yet, not that surprisingly Brian Kilmeade did not ask them why they equated BLM with the KKK. He frankly didn't have to, not when they already have this particular Tea Party black man to say the BLM are "Soros Funded, Anarchists and Socialist".
Because once you say, but somehow fail to prove, that they are the funded by the Dread Pirate Roberts-Soros, what else is there to say?
“Then you have to look at the other perspective where you’ve got these George Soros-funded anarchists like the #BlackLivesMatter campaign and other such anarchists and socialists,” he said.
“Why do we never hear that they’re funded by Soros?” asked Berliner. “You’re one of the only people who will say that out loud.”
“Because they’ve been intimidated,” Innis said. The Democratic Party, he went on, needs to replace its donkey mascot with MSNBC’s Al Sharpton. “They have become the party of Al Sharpton.” [Ed. I Fracking WISH!]
He went on to call the activist movement a “cancer” on the nation because “in the United States, blacks and whites? We’ve never been better off.”
Well, I would put it this way, we've certainly been worse off - but where we are now is now where near good enough and Givens and Jones little "Why can't we be friends" act isn't going to change anything. In fact, it's a clear statement that the status quo - where black men and women are being stopped disproportionately, searched disproportionately, arrested, assaulted and
killed by police at a rate that is at least 4 times greater than others- just isn't a problem at all.
Also, didn't they call Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his movement "Anarchist, Socialist and Communist too"?
One of the world’s greatest orators, Martin Luther King Jr. led a non-violent struggle for racial equality in the United States and his ‘I have a dream speech’ is unmatched. He also had a reputation of being a radical and was the subject of FBI investigations for the rest of his life. J.Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the FBI was absolutely obsessed with him and believed he was a communist. To put this into context, that’s like being labelled anti-Kim Jong-un in North Korea.
I think they did, and still he and the his movement got some shit
Innis went so far as to claim that that exactly concern is little more than a delusion.
Innis went on to say that the discrimination that BLM and its adherents see in the U.S. is “the difference between perception and reality.”
The difference between BLM and radical groups like Outside Agitators 206, Innis said, is virtually nonexistent.
Even though the Bureau of Justice Statistics notes this:
The Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that between 2003 and 2009 there were more than 2,900 arrest-related deaths involving law enforcement. Averaged over seven years, that's about 420 deaths a year. While BJS does not provide the annual number of arrest-related deaths by race or ethnicity, a rough calculation based on its data shows that black people were about four times as likely to die in custody or while being arrested than whites.
This is, by the way, data from some time ago and as both the BJS admits and the project notes - these numbers should be much higher showing a rate of over 1,100 people per year killed by police.
So in fact, the reality is actually far worse than the perception. We have to recognized these efforts as well as the counter-factual "#AllLivesMatters" Non-movement for what they are. The reality is that in the eyes of the law, in the eyes of judges, in the eyes of juries and in the eyes of the the media very often Some Lives Clearly Matter More Than Others.
#BLM is a movement to fix that.
A couple Cops, who represent one of the most protected and pampered class of Americans simply proclaiming "All Lives Matter" in a slightly different form doesn't address or fix that issue at all. Not even a little.