Well it didn`t take too long for me to read that Scott Walker would be paying back with my tax-monies to give the new Milwaukee Bucks baskeball team owners their payback, with some more to spare.
But hey, not to worry, its not about politics as I thought. This guy is not like that. He does not even know the new Milwaukee Bucks basketball owners, just ask him if you don`t believe me.
When its about Scott Walker, there is always more, much more.
Earlier this week, Scott Walker signed the bill that put $250 million (actually $400 million after interest is added in) of taxpayer money to build a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.
Holy Shit I thought! Brave and bold move. Nice going forward Gov, please proceed.
Here even though he could not find money to fund public schools, the university system, Badger Care, or even money to pick up road-kill, he found money for the arena.
But if you live in Wisconsin like I do, you will see why the Republicans are calling this a good deal. There are very few people who are calling this a good deal though. I`m one of them.
Josh Benjamin of Forbes apparantly agrees with me that the new arena is a Multimillion Dollar Mistake. While I really try never to rely on what I read on the media, this is one time I will quote Benjamin. I mean I live here and have never gone to a basketball game. But this is not why I object to this deal. I also have known how this blowhard Koch`s son operates.
It is nothing but a payback to the owners who donated big bucks to his presidential campaign. But he denies this. He say he does not even know the owners...This is Scott Walker. Boy Scouts and preachers sons are not supposed to lie right?
Some write that even though Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has already signed a bill that calls for $250 million of taxpayer money to go towards a new arena for the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, the reality of the matter is that I am being asked to pay for this when the team itself should be paying for that kind of luxury. I totally agree with that assessment too.
As was reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, the bill calls for taxpayers to cover exactly half the cost of a $500 million arena over the next twenty years and in exchange, the Bucks will not move to Las Vegas, Seattle or any other city in the market for a professional basketball franchise. Noble as the cause may be, particularly since the Bucks have been in Milwaukee since 1968, this deal stinks to high heaven.
I believe that a referendum or a vote on a ballot question about this deal should have been pushed by democrats here in Wisconsin. However I noted a photo op in the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel showing our Mayor Tom Barrett a Democrat applauding the signing of the bill. Another Democrat county executive, also said it was a good deal.
So now my fellow kossacks, are these truly Democrats that you would embrace?
I am disgusted with politics and especially here in Wisconsin. This is why a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to vote on a this shit should have at least been discussed, and if it was, I sure missed it.
To make things even more intolerable, Walker tried to deny that politics played a role in this deal:
“So, it has nothing to do with politics. That’s just ridiculous,” Walker said. “If it was about politics, there is no way I would do this deal. I don’t know the owners. I don’t care about the primary owners. I care about the taxpayers.”
He doesn't know the owners? Really?
He doesn't know Jon Hammes, one of the owners who just so happened to donate $15,000 to Walker and other Republicans? He doesn't know Jon Hammes, who just so happens to be the finance co-chair of Walker's presidential campaign?
This is a bad deal and should be rejected.”
It wasn’t.
But even more revoltingly, Bucks co-owner and real estate tycoon Jon Hammes—just days before this deal was pushed through—signed up to become the co-finance chair of… wait for it… Scott Walker’s 2016 presidential campaign. Hammes, along with Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts will be putting their deep-pocketed, highly connected influence to work toward the goal of raising up to $3 billion for what has been described repeatedly as potentially the most expensive presidential campaign in history.
This absence of shame—coupled with an adolescent’s ardor for Ayn Rand—has long been Scott Walker’s defining characteristic and we are witnessing it again in his slavish pursuit of Bucks-bucks. Take a step back, and the man’s cheeky chutzpah provokes a near awe: Walker has—amidst a highly scrutinized presidential campaign—chosen to bankroll a billionaire backer with corporate welfare who in return will head his presidential financial operation. The optics of this are patently corrosive enough as is, but it’s even worse than that. Walker and the Wisconsin state legislature will pay for it by slashing roughly the same amount of the cost of the stadium from the state’s higher education budget. Over a quarter-billion for the arena and a quarter-billion siphoned from higher ed, and the giving of absolutely no fucks in how it all looks.
We know that Walker is a pathological liar, but geez, it's like he's not even trying anymore.