John Oliver is making his presence felt. After only about a year on the air, he's influenced the FCC on Net Neutrality (causing their comments to overload), formed his own Church to make a point about "Prosperity Gospel" scams and engaged in an internet war with the President of Ecuador.
Now, he's been cited by a Judge on one of the Courts just below the Supreme Court -- the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. On his show on March 8, he mocked the lack of representation in US Territories because of a hundred year old group of Supreme Court cases -- The Insular Cases. Here is part of the decision:
We do note, however, that the so-called "Insular Cases," which established a less-than-complete application of the Constitution in some U.S. territories, has been the subject of extensive judicial, academic, and popular criticism. See, e.g., Juan Torruella, The Insular Cases: The Establishment of a Regime of Political Apartheid, 77 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 1 (2008); Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: U.S. Territories, Youtube (Mar. 8, 2015),