Let me see how CNN and Fox News attacks this rhetoric as "Violent" and "Deadly" the next time some unarmed black guy whose on his way home minding his own business gets shot down, tased, choked or beaten to death by police. [Which statistically should take about 3-4 days since this has occurred well 61 times this year so far - 161 times for persons for all races]
Somehow though, I doubt they'll make the connection between this retired corrections officer and any of that.

A white Texas man has apparently internalized the conservative media message blaming civil rights activists for the fatal shooting of a sheriff’s deputy.
“The one that killed him was these Black Panthers and all these black thugs that comes to your town and marches and hollers ‘oink-oink, bang-bang,’ and all that retarded sh*t, you know, they’re the ones that’s responsible for it,” Ener said.
“Starting now we holding these people responsible,” Ener warned. “Like I said, it stops now. Don’t ever let a Black Panther or any black group come to your town and march in that town and get done and be able to get in their vehicle and leave. That’s over with.”
“The last fricking thing some of you sons of b*tches will ever hear is that noise [cocks shotgun] when we’re out there, when we come in your goddamn house,” Ener warned. “Don’t ever threaten another cop in Texas, don’t ever threaten another white person. You black bastards, you goddamn Panthers and sh*t, try to come to another town and try to march — see what happens to you.”
“Well, let me tell you something — a thug’s life don’t matter,” Ener said. “We don’t give a sh*t about you damn thugs. A black life, a white life, police life, a rebel life, a redneck life — all our lives matter. Every life except for a fricking thug. Your life don’t matter, and you sons of b*tches — you fixing to find out how it don’t matter, because you done pissed us off, you bunch of bastards.”
Yeah, I'm not holding my breath. Continue over the flip to view the NSFW Video.