Apparently, Jeb! Bush drew the short straw among the so-called establishment Republican candidates, and has been tasked with being the guy to take down Donald Trump. He's trying valiantly, sort of, but, well Trump isn't exactly
shaking in his boots.
On Tuesday, Bush released a video titled "The Real Donald Trump," in which Trump's past statements expressing support for Democrats like Hillary Clinton and pondering aloud his party affiliation as a Republican. Trump shot back later in the day, posting an Instagram video of Bush praising Clinton as well.
Bush had "no choice" but to attack him with a recent ad, Trump said on Wednesday.
"Well I think had really no choice. He's doing very poorly in the polls, he's a very low-energy kind of guy and he had to do something, so they're spending a lot of money on ads," he told ABC's George Stephanopoulos by telephone on "Good Morning America." […]
"And you know, he has a lot of money from the hedge-fund guys from the special interests, from lobbyists. He raised over $100 million, they control him totally, so he really had no choice, I think, George. He had to go out with an ad. He did a very expensive ad, and you know let's see what happens. So far everybody that's attacked me has gone down, but let's see what happens here," he added.
Trump's "low-energy" hit seems to be the thing that is really getting to Jeb! as he is insisting in his campaign speeches that he is the "joyful tortoise" in the race, which is not the most inspiring of analogies here. "We need leadership in Washington, D.C. High-energy leadership," he says, implying that he's that guy. Then he turns around and
whines to reporters: "He attacks me every day—he personalizes everything. […] If you're not totally in agreement with him, you’re an 'idiot,' you're 'stupid,' you have 'low energy,' blah, blah, blah. That's what he does." That, and lead by double digits in all of the polls.
It's got to be very frustrating for Jeb! After all, he's a Bush. He shouldn't be having to work this hard to get single-digit polling numbers.