Perhaps there is a sense of balance and fairness, still left at NPR's Ombudsman board? We can only hope.
They have responded to the public outcry in social media, and in their own in-box, from the supporters of Bernie Sanders, and their complaints concerning Sanders being "overlooked" in a recent Mara Liasson Report, on the current state of the Democratic Primary:
We shared these concerns directly with our colleagues at NPR, who shared the following with us:
The reference in that conversation to Clinton “basically running against herself” was intended to mean that her campaign is being buffeted in large part by issues related to things she’s done -- including using a private email server -- rather than by attacks from other campaigns. We understand and apologize that the inference was not clear to some listeners. We did not intend to suggest that Clinton is not facing competition from Sen. Sanders. We also agree that a mention of the challenge posed by the Sanders campaign would have been appropriate and helpful to include.
On NPR's Coverage Of Bernie Sanders
by Michelle Owens, Vermont's NPR News Source, -- Sep 5, 2015
That NPR post goes on to list several other times, when they DID report on Bernie Sanders -- just to be clear that they are objective reporters.
This "virtual outrage" over the one-sided Liasson Report was covered (started?) here at Daily Kos, in these well-recommended posts here:
Today, NPR made Sanders an least for NPR listeners
by ari9999 -- Sep 02, 2015
and here:
The Strange Case of Mara Liasson (An Open Letter to NPR, UPDATED with link and citations)
by Alvin K -- Sep 03, 2015
It would seem that some in the Media, at least -- are listening, to what passionate liberal bloggers have to say.
And that Activism does sometime work.