Even the Republicans' new and "improved" version of the Congressional Budget Office that now cooks the books in favor of GOP policies will not tell Republicans that their plan to defund Planned Parenthood will have
serious consequences, even while saving a pittance.
Cutting off Planned Parenthood's funding would result in a net savings of $235 million over a decade, while also resulting in "several thousand" unplanned births that would drive up government costs elsewhere, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.
A bill to freeze the provider's funding would save $390 million in Medicaid spending over the next year, according to a report from the nonpartisan office. But it would also cost Medicaid about $60 million more because of the additional pregnancies by women who no longer receive birth control. […]
CBO warned that 15 percent of patients would lose access to care. The people most likely to be affected are those living in areas without other healthcare clinics that cater to low-income populations—most of Planned Parenthood's current clientele.
In addition to the 15 percent who would lose access to care entirely, "between 5 and 25 percent of Planned Parenthood’s estimated 2.6 million clients would see 'reduced access to care,' depending on where they live."
Still think this isn't about the war on women and women's health?