According to Jeb Bush, Republican would-be president and brother of the Republican president whose administration oversaw not just 9/11 itself, but deadly attacks on
at least thirteen overseas American embassies and consulates as well as
numerous other successful attacks against American diplomatic personnel and their staff,
Benghazi is evidence of an "
incompetent foreign policy."
Benghazi security failures were a stunning example of an incompetent foreign policy. @HillaryClinton’s role as SOS deserves scrutiny today.
This is so remarkable I don't actually have any words for it. The guy whose brother flew around the country on Air Force One trying to decide what to do after foreign terrorists crashed a United States airliner
into the Pentagon itself, a man who watched as his family's neoconservative advisers and appointed officials set themselves to a falsely premised, falsely promoted, stunningly mismanaged war that led to uncountable numbers of deaths in an effort to bring about a promised result that at no point saw even a glimmer of being ushered forth
and hired those same advisers and experts for his own campaign sallies forth on Twitter to give America his thoughts on what, in his mind, constitutes an "incompetent foreign policy."
Did the Bush family put this brother up for another round of the presidency as a family dare? As a bet? Did he staff his ranks of foreign policy advisers and assorted hangers-on with ex-Bush "experts" because his brother asked them to re-home them all, like lost puppies?
Is Jeb Bush not just the dumbest of the Bush brothers, but the dumbest of the actual 2016 presidential candidates?