Well…. It’s 5pm and I’ve got nothing really. It has been a very foggy and damp day and it has generally put me into a sad mood. I feel alone, that no one really cares about whether I’m here or not, and generally unappreciated by most. A couple of my co-workers have told me that they live in fear of me leaving the group at work. I just kinda laugh it off and think that they are saying that to be nice.
It doesn’t help that on 12/1 the company I work for announced a MAJOR re-org of the company. After hearing more about it, the group that I’ll fall under sounds like it’s already gone through the ‘right sizing’ of employees. But, it was made abundantly clear that they will cut costs any way that they have to. They’re saying that the ROC (Return on Capital) isn’t the 10% that they think is the appropriate number. So, even though the ‘group’ has been ‘right sized’, it doesn’t mean that lay-offs won’t come.
We’ve already heard of some contract employees getting let go at the end of the year. Generally, speaking, I’m not opposed to that, but the knowledge transfer that was to have occurred from the get go never happened and now that they are being let go, why bother?? Can’t blame them a bit!
So, those of us left will be stuck with being expected to do more work for less.
There’s a bunch of petty crap going on amongst co-workers. So, what else is new with that?!?!?
So, what’s eating at you today?