‘Conservative Wunderkind' CJ Pearson States He Plans to Work for Bernie Sanders
Phil Palmer, TimesOracle.com 12-12-2015
On Wednesday, he (CJ) reportedly told CNN that he believed Sanders was "the right man for the White House". "If it takes changing your mind to make the right choice as to who should lead our country, I am willing to do it. Screw the optics", Pearson, the former chairman of Teens for Ted Cruz, told CNN.
That change of heart came after Pearson, who is African-American, called the Black Lives Matter movement "domestic terrorists" in one of his videos.
The teenager who gained Internet fame for starring in YouTube videos attacking President Obama has switched sides and now says he wants Vermont Sen. Well now, he is supporting Bernie Sanders.
He now has more than 5 million YouTube channel views, more than 37,000 Twitter followers and more than 100,000 likes on Facebook.
"Systemic racism is real".
Please read the rest of the article at the TimesOracle site. It’s worth reading. The site has a distinctly international flavor but is based in Iowa. I’ll be back to it!