Gun control will do nothing.
The horse is out of the barn.
Americans own 50% of all civilian owned guns in the world. There is no possible way that we can now catalog, license, and regulate all these weapons.
We need strict bullet control at least as serious as with driver’s licenses.
Americans own 50% of all civilian owned guns in the world. How could we possibly find, license, and control them at this point?
I believe the horse is out of the barn on this issue and there is almost no way to succeed in decreasing crime by controlling weapons, although I do believe we need to continue to try to license gun ownership and keep track of guns. We should move towards requiring a strict rule for manufacturers that they include in the weapon an embedded high tech chip to identify the original buyer.
A more practical manner of reducing gun deaths is strict bullet control at least as serious as with driver’s licenses. Licenses of several levels like level one for limited # bullets for a 22. To own high capacity clips or clips for guns with more than one bullet at a time must have advanced level bullet certificates for mental health and from police every two years. To own high caliber bullets or clips with more than a few bullets you would have to have training similar to an officer. Licensees would also have to keep records of their bullets like pharmacists do with narcotics. How many they have, who they give or sell them to, how they were used (target practice, etc).
Louisiana has concealed carry everywhere and more guns per capita than almost any state. Where were the armed citizens there at the theatre shooting? They clearly could not react quick enough. They likely wouldn’t have been fast enough, accurate enough, and trained enough to counter their own panic in an active shooter situation, without the extreme training provided to SWAT teams.
Armed civilians do more harm than good. Studies have shown that practicing with a stationary target under calm conditions does not prepare you to duck, be aware of your surroundings and avoid tunnel vision of fight or flight situation where you fail to recognize innocent and shoot wildly, and without constant intense training, you do not have muscle memory to overcome the shakiness from stress hormones and fight or flight signals from nervous system removing blood from periphery and giving it to large muscles and center mass plus brain, as well as have the quickness and accuracy needed in a rapidly evolving active shooter situation with innocents running everywhere including in front of your gun. Armed civilians everywhere will cause more death and injury, not less.
With guns, the only thing needed is a permanent ID embedded in some high tech way so that they can be traced more easily.
More bullets = more death. Less mental health care = more death. Remember 2/3 of 30,000 gun deaths in U.S. every year are suicides and 11% of population has mental health issues.
Converting our country to the same situation as in the wild west days will not reduce gun violence. It didn't then and it won't now.
You should be required to lock up bullets and loaded guns.