We are hearing a lot more from Rush Limbaugh these days. He loves to pontificate on
what Donald Trump should do next. Bully to bully. Ass to ass. Peas from the
same pod. But Limbaugh is not helping Trump - and Trump is certainly not helping Limbaugh.
When sponsors started to pull their ads from the The Rush Limbaugh Show in 2012, the Conservative shock jock said it was like losing a few french fries at the drive-thru - 'You don't miss them.' At that time 28 sponsors had left. That number is now in the thousands, and he can't find any reputable french fries to sponsor his show.
These days, Rush Limbaugh has a bigger problem. He's losing the drive-thrus. In the last few months, at least six more radio stations have either dumped Limbaugh, demoted Limbaugh or claimed he's losing their audiences as in a New York station. Most of this is due to a loss of ad revenue - which is due to a lack of sponsors. And this is mostly due to a national protest/boycott/petition. It started three years ago when the Conservative 'King of Hate Radio' lambasted an unknown college student, on air, for three days.
This video shows the rant that started the largest Limbaugh protest to date:
Limbaugh's attack upon Sandra Fluke, over her advocacy for mandated birth control insurance coverage, outraged women and men all over the country. A
Tea Party member was one of the first to sign the petition against Limbaugh. But the Fluke attack is just one example of Limbaugh's hate-filled commentary. Here are
61 more examples of racism, misogyny, bigotry, and homophobia. There are thousands more, including Limbaugh calling women 'semen receptacles,' comparing gay men to 'pedophiles' who 'promote beastiality'> and calling hispanics 'lazy/alien/spermatozoa'. Now with social media, the public can now give examples of Limbaugh's hate speech directly to sponsors via Facebook, Twitter and Email, as well as older methods of, 'snail mail' and phone calls. Advertisers can't act like they don't know anymore. It's one of beauties of online activism.
Here are just a few more protest results:
August 11, 2015
Dropped from KOWL - Los Angeles - Source: General Manager Steve Harness
"I spent a lot of time negotiating directly with Limbaugh’s syndicator," said Harness. "I told them that we didn’t want to lose his show, but that we couldn’t pay him a fee in addition to him loosing us money repelling advertisers and they refused to drop the monthly fee. Ironically, they lost the fee anyway and a long-time affiliate.
July 29, 2015
Loses audience with WBEN - Buffalo - Source:
Alan Pergament:
"It appears that Rush Limbaugh is experiencing some of the listener decline in Western New York that has been occurring in other markets nationally in a demographic that advertisers covet."
July 28, 2015
Dropped from KTAN-1420 - Sierra Vista - Source:
Sierra Vista Herald:
"KTAN-1420 is shutting down its talk radio program and moving strictly to classic country. The decades-old radio station that has been dishing out sports and conservative talk radio since 1996 is now moving to a new format."
June 17, 2015
Demotion to WKOX - MA - Source:
Eric Boehlert:
"Some key stations want out of their Limbaugh deals. And when those deals are up, nobody else is stepping forward to ink new contracts with Rush."
"Years ago, general managers lined up for the chance to broadcast Limbaugh's ratings heavyweight show and jumped whenever it became available in the market.
But no more."
May 19, 2015
Dropped from WRKO - Boston - Source:
We were unable to reach agreeable terms for The Rush Limbaugh Show to continue on WRKO.
Media Matters Tweet:
April 15, 2015
Dropped from WIBC - Indianapolis - Source:
WIBC Market Manager Charlie Morgan:
"There are some, primarily, national advertisers that refuse to air commercials during Limbaugh’s show."
Once again, we see proof that the movement against Rush Limbaugh is incredibly effective. Yes, he's still on the air and that is most likely due to what seems to be unlimited
Koch Brothers/Tea Party funding and a contract with iHeart Music. iHeart Music CEO Bob Pitman also
helped build the career of the father of Hate Media,
Morton Downey Jr. It makes sense that Bob Pittman has championed Rush Limbaugh even though Limbaugh continues to drag down the rest of the radio industry. According to
Wall Street Journal, Limbaugh is radio's biggest problem. And the
hundreds of thousands of Limbaugh boycotters couldn't be more pleased to hear this. He may still be on the air for the rest of his contract, but he continues take hit after hit, and lose fry after fry. Obviously feeling the pain, he
continues to fail in his attempts to squelch/destroy StopRush and vilify StopRush, BoycottRush and FlushRush volunteers. They are relentless. Limbaugh is having a last hurrah with Trump. Many believe the two are both on the same slow sinking ship.
To support the Rush Limbaugh protest:
Like/Join: The BoycottRush Facebook Group
Sign: Limbaugh Sponsor & Clear Channel/iHeartPetition
(The petition currently has over 138,000 signatures.)
Join: The Fight To Flush Rush Visit:
StopRush.net for an extensive list of Limbaugh Sponsors
Twitter: #StopRush and #FlushRush
Thank you, Kossack Richard Myers. Rest in peace. We miss you dear friend. We are finishing this.
Special thanks to the Byron. And extra thanks to TAP. To see the Limbaugh/Trump smooch meme in it's full unsightly glory, visit: The Ale Party on Facebook.