“I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds.” -Daryush ‘Roosh V’ Valizadeh
Misogyny extremist, organizer, and author Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh is having troubles. Earlier in the week, Valizadeh made headlines in Daily Kos.
An American author of 15 self-published books based on misogyny, Daryush Valizadeh (aka “Roosh V”) has reportedly organized anti-women meet-ups this Saturday in over 40 cities around the world. After writing about how to pick up women in the most despicable ways, Valizadeh also organized a racist, anti-LGBT, women-hating website called “Return of Kings” that claims to have over a million members. Valizadeh wants to make rape legal. No, this is not satire. This is real.
Valizadeh formed the meetings because he wanted his buddies to be able to “come out of the shadows” and hide no more. The 36-year-old was born in Washington, DC, and graduated from the University of Maryland. He began blogging about picking up women and eventually began writing the first of his 12 books containing extreme misogyny. In addition to measuring the significance of women by their “fertility and beauty,” he promotes the idea that “women with eating disorders make the best girlfriends.” Believe it or not, Valizadeh has an even darker side.
He encourages men to ignore when a woman says "no", he believes rape inside private property should be legal and he routinely refers to women as "the enemy". He believes sexual gratification is a man's right, willfully disregarding the issue of consent.
He has organised the meet-ups, promoted through his website, so that he are so that 'like-minded' men can come together to discuss and learn more about these ideas. They have agreed to meet in public places and by local landmarks. Only straight men will be allowed to attend.
He has threatened (and incited his misogynist army of followers to do likewise) any women or man protesting the event with "furious retribution". He asks protesters to be filmed and promises to set his "anti-feminist" mob to "tear them up" as punishment for standing against violence towards women.
But Valizadeh hit a snag. After social media caught wind of his meetings and passwords, feminist groups, including men, have come out as well to petition officials to ban Valizadeh and his organized meetings. Some groups have reportedly threatened Valizadeh not to go out alone. So now, the self-proclaimed “net-masculinist” has called off the meetings of his fellow misogynists—cause he’s a-scared. He “can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend.” He also now claims his “pro-rape” views are satire. Calla Wahquist and Josh Halliday with The Guardian cite Valizadeh:
“If I get killed right now by an idiot, the media wouldn’t care. They love their power. Tomorrow they would find a new Roosh to martyr.”
He then called for “feminine women who are disgusted with media lying” to follow the hashtag #femininewomenforRoosh. It attracted 17 tweets in five hours, most from men or women mocking Valizadeh.
UK’s Home Office minister Sarah Champion MP is demanding action:
“As far as I’m concerned Return of Kings are encouraging violence against women and girls. This should be viewed as a hate crime and the government and police should use our existing laws to deal with it swiftly to show we won’t accept anyone promoting abuse.”
Be gone, Roosh V, “before someone drops a house on you too!” Sadly, Daryush Valizadeh—another horrid embarrassment to America and to the male gender.
If you or someone you care about have ever been a victim of rape/sexual assault, you can find support on the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673) and online.rainn.org. You can also visit online.rainn.org to receive support by signing onto confidential online chat.