In the last few days, a new narrative is being peddled. First, there were those nasty Bernie Bros who if they aren’t policed soon will bring down the Bernie Sanders insurgency. Then this weekend, we had the Gloria Steinem kerfluffle and Madeline Albright invoking hell fire for women who don’t support the female candidate in the Democratic primary. Now, the Big Dog himself, Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail to reinforce this narrative that sexism is behind criticism of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Doesn’t this seem familiar? If only there was a wayback machine? Something that could preserve a record of events. If only there was some sort of network of computers with an ability for ordinary citizens to search it.
Here for your pleasure and edification, I bring you Hey Obama Boys: Back off Already!
Just substitute Bernie Bros for Obama Boys, and the article seems ripped from today’s headlines. If even has younger feminists embarrassed because of Gloria Steinem! The Clinton playbook is as easy as the Tom Friedman column generator.
P.S. The sexism smear really burns me since Hillary Rodham Clinton chose to back a neoliberal establishment male politician, Andrew Cuomo over a Progressive woman Zephyr Teachout in the New York gubernatorial primary.
P.P.S. hat tip to David Sirota