The violation by Bill Clinton of Massachusetts electioneering laws has gained further support from multiple sources supplying eyewitness, video and photographic evidence. Breaking state laws, versions of which are in force in every state, which prohibit campaigning within 150 feet of a polling station on primary days, Clinton can be seen entering polling stations after they have opened for voting, campaigning for his wife.
However, the most serious charge leveled at Clinton’s March 1st Super-Tuesday antics is that he was blocking poor people from voting, in one of Massachusett’s most distressed communities, where the median family income is $49,000, $110,000 less than that the Massachusetts town where presidential candidate Hillary Clinton went to college, Wellesley. Although electioneering within a polling place is a misdemeanor, interfering with voting rights is a state and federal civil rights violation and felony.
Bill Clinton does not vote in Massachusetts and could have no other business on election day in or near a polling place, other than being a walking campaign sign for Hillary Clinton, which brings along a motorcade, massive police detail, and entourage.
Outside a polling station, with his large police presence blocking voters from entering in a precinct showing strength for Bernie Sanders, Clinton can be seen and heard with a megaphone, visibly approximately 20 feet from the polling station, expressly thanking “those of you who are supporting Hillary Clinton.”
Below: Clinton closer than 150 feet from a polling station expressing thanks to “those of you who are supporting Hillary Clinton.”
Distance rules governing electioneering encompass any attempt to sway or influence for a particular candidate whatsoever, and marks the boundary at which supporters can stand with signs, distribute literature, or speak in an attempt to sway votes. Electioneering activity is a broad but well-defined legal term.
Brian McNiff, spokesperson for Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, when asked whether even Clinton’s mere presence would constitute a solicitation, told the Boston Globe:
“He’s a well known person. And he’s a spouse of a candidate,” McNiff said. “That should answer the question.”
Clinton, however, went far beyond mere presence, which in the case of someone of Clinton’s stature necessarily requires a large police and Secret Service presence which may block both foot and automobile traffic. He is seen in at least two photographs inside polling stations after voting has begun: the Newton Free Library, and a polling station in West Roxbury.
In New Bedford, the Clinton security zone and large rally blocked the entrance to a polling station. New Bedford is the sixth poorest city in Massachusetts, below even Brockton, and a Sanders stronghold. As reported by Boston Magazine, Angela Grace, a witness, narrated in her video capture:
“I haven’t seen one person be able to come in and be able to vote in here. Everything is blocked off. No person can park here. They are affecting the voting at this poll. It’s ridiculous. It’s fraud and illegal. From one side of the street to the other, there’s no way anybody can get down here to vote.”
Below: Bill Clinton motorcade and rally blocking polling place in New Bedford, MA.
Bill Clinton inside polling station in West Roxbury, MA
Evidence that the polls were blocked is reported in Boston Magazine, which wrote that:
Paul Feeney, Massachusetts state director for the Sen. Bernie Sanders campaign, says he received 12 calls in half an hour from voters who said the polling place was blocked by Clinton’s appearance. “Folks were calling the hotline saying they wanted to vote but couldn’t,”
A sufficient number voters stepping forward to say that they were prevented or even discouraged from voting by Clinton’s large presence would constitute a criminal complaint against the former president.
A popular Boston area radio station, FUN 107, has already spoofed the former president’s violations of law.
A petition has been started at the liberal Change.org calling for Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey to “Arrest & Prosecute Bill Clinton for Violation of Mass. Election Laws.” In less than 24 hours the petition has so far gathered over 60,000 signatures.
Accident or By Design?
Hillary Clinton’s perceived performance on the “Super Tuesday” primaries hinged heavily on Massachusetts, the loss of which to Bernie Sanders would have been a disaster. Clinton won seven Super Tuesday primaries, while Sanders won four. A win for Sanders in liberal, heavily “Clinton Country” Massachusetts would have made the state tally six to five, with Clinton taking a loss in familiar territory. Clinton is a graduate of Wellesley College, a prestigious woman’s school with a powerful network in Massachusetts.
Yet media reported the race between Sanders and Clinton as “neck and neck” at times, and in the end CNN reported on its ticker tape that Clinton had “edged” out Sanders in Massachusetts, with a final vote of 50.1% to Sanders’ 48.7%, with NBC reporting:
“The race in Massachusetts was neck and neck, with Sanders having led his rival at one point.”
Clinton holding onto Massachusetts allowed the media to revert to the narrative which treats Clinton’s eventual nomination as all but “inevitable.” A loss in Massachusetts would have presented a major problem to this point of view.
Thus Bill Clinton’s actions constitute much more than a husband’s exuberant enthusiasm for his wife’s campaign. The choice of Massachusetts and its polling stations was carefully thought-out, clever, and effective. It was also a violation of the law in all 50 states. Worse, for the hours that Clinton’s presence and security detail blocked or discouraged voters from entering the poll booths in New Bedford, it may have disenfranchised voters who had limited time, such as a lunch break, to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Hillary Clinton has repeatedly claimed empathy for the poor and disenfranchised.
Sanders campaign sign.
President Bill Clinton’s actions on March 1, 2016 have met every legal hurdle to be considered worthy of prosecution: clear motive, clear means, clear opportunity, and overwhelming physical and eyewitness evidence that a crime has occurred. It makes a mockery of the heretofore sterling reputation of Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, who is charged to refer any such activity to the Massachusetts Attorney General for action.
This blog is, and remains, a call for the arrest and prosecution of President Bill Clinton for violation of the Massachusetts election laws and of the Voting Rights Act. This is a call for Hillary Clinton to show in action and not just in words that the law must be applied equally to rich and poor alike.
Nevada Revelations
Earlier this year this blog published a series of cautionary articles predicting what Sanders supporters should be on the watch for in upcoming primaries, in terms of shenanigans by elections officials sympathetic to Hillary Clinton. One of these highlighted Nevada’s same day registration open caucus, in which anyone can walk in to vote. To the typical scorn and ridicule to which anyone in these pages is subjected for daring to suggest that pro-Hillary officials would ever do anything wrong, this blog noted:
“One peculiarity of the Nevada caucus is its wide-open same day registration and voting without requiring any form of ID. Although voter identification is ordinarily a Republican issue, in a hotly contested caucus like the one before us it is not hard to see the potential for abuse. “
Progressive Issue now publishes a cellphone video showing that, in a Nevada caucus critical to winning the state, the heavily populated Vegas Strip at the Paris Hotel, non-registered voters were allowed to vote without registering whatsoever. Progressive Issue tells it:
“The video shows a large group of people standing at the registration table. A female official is then heard telling the group not to register to vote. Immediately after she gives this direction, a male official shushes her, saying “Don’t yell it.” When the officials are questioned about allowing people who are not registered to caucus, one responds by saying, “They will register after the caucus.”
The group of people standing at the registration table and getting ushered in the door seems to be a large contingent of Hillary supporters wearing the blue “I’m With Her” T-shirts.
Below: Caucus workers heard to usher in Hillary people without registration, man says “Don’t yell it.”
Progressive Issue then turns to a Young Turks report by Jimmy Dore, who is following the action inside the caucus. An incredulous Dore observes the caucus chairman writing a head count on the palm of his hand, then announcing:
“As of today’s caucus results, Senator Sanders has gained seven delegates… Secretary Clinton has – oh, I’m sorry – SIX delegates, Secretary Clinton has gained 13 delegates.””
After the head count was taken, reports TYT, many caucus participants left before the chair remembered to ask them not to leave, after most of them had already left.
Below: Las Vegas Democratic Caucus chairman writing vote from the palm of his hand.
Below: Young Turks TV Report:
Progressive Issue says:
“The problems with the caucus were not just confined to this single location. Voters are reporting that people were writing on other people’s ballots, while others claim their names were not recorded to the correct candidate during the registration process.”
The Nevada results for Clinton, although close, were hailed by the media as a turning point in her campaign, with photos of a victorious Clinton and a glum Sanders often run side-by-side.
Below: CNN Online coverage of Nevada Democratic Caucus results.
Below: Clinton on night after Nevada Caucus.
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