Hillary Haters are out in force tonight. Diaries abound falsely accusing her of being a Republican, ogasmically calling her a liar, and claiming she singlehandedly destroyed Honduras. Calls to blanket Social Media with these memes are met with enthusiastic squeals. It feels like middle school when the cool kids circle the outcast.
With all this who needs Red State?
Yet examining the claims shows a woman whose positions have evolved. This happens when you actually talk to people who disagree with you. When you take home part of the piece such as health care for children after getting your ass kicked on single payer. When despite the overwhelming Republican attacks, and your husband’s serial adultery, you succeed in Beijing, win the US Senate, almost win the Democratic Nomination, and successfully serve as Secretary of State
Like most of us learned after our early twenties, you don't always get what you want. This can be a job, a lover, or a favored political outcome. But if you keep living you adapt and hopefully you find something better (though not always). Still you survive and find your way. Women especially take this approach because we have care giving responsibilities to children or parents.
Perputual adolescents sneer at this approach. For them live revolves around finding a safe place (like a liberal enclave most Americans can't afford, even if you live six to a room or previously found rent control) After all if you can still run up freeways, shop at Whole Foods, and label yourself the Voice of "the People” (with whom your never talk to as opposed to talk at) who needs anything else? At least you didn't “sell out.” Of course, you are politically irrelevant and most of America despises you but hey those are details.
Now Uncle Bernie tells you it's possible to Occupy your way to the White House. You just punch "like” often enough or scream louder than everyone you and he will win. Doing the same thing will bypass all those nasty Republicans, pass those incredibly large tax bills, and secure the Supreme Court from the same Congress where he spent 16 years and yet has no real allies.
In the meantime one could possibly run stories during the General Election about Bernie Idealogy or Bernie and Privilege. Like Hillary I agree his positions can evolve but it seems he retained his authoritarian approach. See Cold as Ice I don't want someone deciding my Greater Good. With the notable exception of African Americans most of our families came here to avoid this bullshit.
Markos rightly told us Hilary Supporters not to spike the ball. But at a certain point we have to defend. If this diary gets me banned then I will gladly walk