Too bad the Republicans can’t nominate the Trumpinator. Just think, were it not for two words in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Republican and former Mr. Universe, two term governor of our largest state, world renown movie star, and the man selected to replace Donald Trump as host of “Celebrity Apprentice" Arnold Schwarzenegger could be running for president. Take out the words “natural born” from our Constitution and it could have happened.
Adding to his appeal is the fact that Arnold has actually governed; but he also fathered a child with the family housekeeper showing he is truly a man of the people as opposed to Trump who only has had affairs with supermodels.
Of course Trump couldn’t discredit him with the birther attack, and even if he could, who would care since Austria last I knew was a mostly white country.
I can visualize a debate where one candidate is a real actor, one who can effect an ominous presence and a voice that would prompt urinary incontinence in his competition.
I can hear in my head Schwarzenegger saying things like “whose finger do you want on the nuclear button, mine or one of these guys” or for that matter, “who do you really want going mano a mano with Putin, tiny fingers Donald, sweaty Cruz, or Conan the Destroyer?"
Finally, can you imagine Trump trying to stand on the same stage with him and try to dismiss his candidacy by calling him little Arnold?
I wonder if the Terminator ever thinks about all this.
Update May 1, 2021: This was the first story I posted on Kos. Who would have thought that years later The NY Times would feature this article.
Amid a pandemic and a recall, Mr. Schwarzenegger has been in demand at his Los Angeles mansion, embracing his unlikely role as California’s “elderly statesman.”