Matthew 21: 12-13
And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And He said to them, “It is written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS’ DEN”. Then, swinging his AR-15 that had been slung over His shoulder, He proceeded to emphasize his point leaving no one standing and no one in doubt.
The Republican-dominated Mississippi state Senate approved a bill this week that will allow churchgoers to carry concealed firearms without a permit.
Churches will also be able to designate and train members to serve as armed security, and there will be no requirement that a church post signs that it has these church guards. The bill would also shield church guards from civil or criminal liability if they shoot someone committing a violent crime.
According to Lt. Governor Tate Reeves,
“Unfortunately, our nation has seen tragic incidents carried out in places of worship. Mississippians should be able to attend church knowing they have security measures in place to protect them from anyone trying to do them harm.”
Unfortunately, Mississippi churchgoers won’t know who is armed, or if people in church who are carrying have had any training or could even pass the mental health and felony free requirements that are part of getting a permit.
If a designated security guard opens fire and a person is injured or killed the “sergeant-at-arms” will get legal protection for performing in that capacity.
The “Mississippi Church Protection Act” passed in a 36-14 vote.
Senator Hillman Frazier (D), who opposed the bill said,
“We don’t need to pimp the church for political purposes. If you want to pass gun laws, do that, but don’t use the church.”
According to Larry T. Decker, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America,
“This legislation would put ‘soldiers of God’ above the law, allowing them to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Religious institutions are already exempt from taxation, financial transparency, and many civil rights laws. The Mississippi Church Protection Act would constitute an unprecedented and dangerous next step. Belonging to a church should not afford anyone the same rights and protections as law enforcement.”
During the discussion of the bill, senators did not stick to discussing law or safety, but brought in interpretations of Christian scripture, and questions of what Jesus would do.
Regarding the first responders who might have bring some order to whatever happens if a church goes all 2nd Amendment and too many “good guys with guns” get confused as to who is who in a panic shoot out, the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Director Ken Winter said that the lack of a permit and what is usually required to get one provision would make it harder to stop people who appear to be engaged in wrongdoing. The bill could also raise the “threat level” to officers.
“We just don’t believe that it’s a good idea for people to be carrying concealed weapons and not have participated in any training,” he said.
Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s lobbying arm likes the bill.
“This important piece of pro-gun legislation clarifies existing law in Mississippi and ensures that each Mississippian has the right to carry their firearm in the manner that best suits them.”
So don’t cough too much, or become in any way a disturbance during services or BINGO, or that little church lady, the quiet one sitting next to you clutching her big purse, might just send you to Jesus.
One thing positive to come from this is that churchgoers in Mississippi will be the best behaved in the country.