This campaign has a little everything from candidates arguing over penis sizes to a little bird landing on a podium and becoming a twitter sensation. Ted Cruz had the hit piece earlier this week in National Enquirer. so lets throw in some more sex scandal stuff into the pile why don’t we.
Rachel Maddow had a nbit on her show last night about the DC Madame case from 10 years ago that ultimately outed David Vitter for using a Sex Escort service. Evidently the lawyer for the deceased DC Madame has had up to 800 phone records of other Washington power players and has been trying to release them for months now. Blair Sibley has been ordered to not release these records by the original court and he has attempted to take his plea all the way to the Supreme Court which is what he has now done. He has stated that he will release the records which contain phone numbers, social security numbers, etc to the press.
Maddow on DC Madame
Gawker Article on DC Madame
Now this is interesting because he says it can have a huge effect on the presidential race and by not releasing them the government would be protecting their preferred nominee. According to Gawker, Sibley is a birther tea party nut so his motives here are pretty clear in my opinion. Now he could be looking for another 10 minutes of fame out of this but we might be looking at another rung lower on this already crazy election.
What could be in those records that could change the race. Well Kasich and Sanders right now are way behind in the race and Sanders himself definitely wouldn’t be protected by the government. You can’t rule out Sanders or Kasich but them being on a list wouldn’t change the projection of the race.
Clinton would be a prime candidate except it just doesn’t fit her style. Even if Bill was on the list would anyone be surprised or shocked not really. Trump kind of is in the same boat as Bill in that no one would be really shocked. That leaves Cruz, he was an aide around this time in Washington and can be looked as the establishment candidate now that would be protected. Sibley’s birther past runs parallel to Trumps. If I was laying odds on who is on that list Cruz would be better than 50% just going by what Sibley has said. We will find out fairly soon as he has promised to release them within a few weeks.