Play the progressive card.
There are 62 Democratic women in the House of Representatives, but there are also 22 Republicans. There are also six Republican women over in the Senate. As you might imagine, having Donald Trump denigrate Hillary Clinton's experience is a teensy bit uncomfortable.
“The only card she has is the women’s card,” Trump said during a victory speech after sweeping in five state’s primaries. “She’s got nothing else going on. Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote.”
And what do Republican women have to say about that? Well, there was a good deal of ...
“Oh God, I’m not getting into that. I’m not getting into that,” said Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), walking away quickly.
And a big stack of Republican women legislators seem to have contracted a case of selective deafness—they simply hadn’t heard Trump speak. Hadn’t heard about it. Didn’t want to hear about it. And excuse me, I have to leave before these fingers in my ears start to hurt.
Susan Collins? No? Kelly Ayotte? Uh-uh. Joni Ernst? Joni? But that doesn’t mean a few weren’t ready to sign onto Team Trump.
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Rep. Candice Miller (R-Mich.) said she missed Trump’s speech, but said Clinton does play the women’s card. By that, she said, she means Clinton talks a lot about the fact that she’s a woman.
“You don’t have to say anything about it,” said Miller. “I just try not to engage in the woman politics.”
Well, she’s not kidding about that one. Miller voted yes on showcase legislation to outlaw funding for abortion … even though funding for abortion had already been blocked. She voted against stem cell research. She voted yes on a bill to stop women from crossing state lines for abortions. Voted to stop funding for Planned Parenthood and managed an astounding 0 percent rating from NARAL. So she’s telling the truth—she really doesn’t engage in “the woman politics.” She just engages in the anti-woman politics.
Asked if she’s saying Clinton runs around talking about being a woman, she replied, “I’m not saying that. You asked me what Trump said.”
But she just said Clinton plays the women’s card? “Well, she does,” said Miller.