The best rationale for the most disliked clown in the Republican car picking the second-most disliked clown as his pretend running mate is that Ted Cruz thinks Carly Fiorina will help him with women voters. That's just not going to happen considering who Cruz picks to have on his payroll.
The leaders of three prominent liberal and pro-abortion rights organizations on Thursday issued a scathing letter to Ted Cruz urging the Texas senator to oust Troy Newman, co-chair of the Pro-Lifers for Cruz coalition, citing his past incendiary statements and comments on abortion. […]
“Troy Newman has called the murder of an abortion provider a ‘justifiable action’ and runs an organization whose baseline purpose is to harass and terrorize women. It is not surprising to see Ted Cruz embrace this type of violent extremism — after all this is the same man who has told malicious lies about Planned Parenthood, would criminalize abortion, and tried to shut down the government in order to prevent low income women from accessing cancer screenings,” Laguens said in a statement. “However it is disappointing to see even a presidential candidate like Ted Cruz so blatantly disregard women’s health and lives but this is what the Cruz Fiorina ticket stands for.”
Newman is a founder of the so-called Center for Medical Progress, the group that created all those fake videos about Planned Parenthood. You know, the videos that were all bullshit but still didn't show the horrific things Fiorina insisted she saw in them. So, yes, it's pretty much horrible all the way down.
Perhaps this is actually Cruz's strategy—surrounding himself with people who are even more horrible and hateful than he is, to look less awful by comparison. It's not going to work.