Donald Trump is a great ally to the gay community. The greatest. The most amazing ally that you’ll ever see. Just ask Donald Trump!
In fact, Trump is so confident that he is the great straight savior LGBT Americans have been waiting for that he challenged people to “ask the gays” about just how great an ally he is:
For the gays out there—ask the gays and ask the people—ask the gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the gay community, just ask, and then you tell me—who’s your friend, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
Hahaha! Oh Donald. Don’t you see what you did just there? No? Okay, let me tell you: You just asked to get trolled hard because “the gays” have responded, and it’s hilarious.
But wait—there’s more. Much more.
And you know, I almost never use Twitter, but I’m gay and Donald Trump can fuck right off—so here’s mine:
UPDATE: Here are a few more from last night and this morning that made me laugh (h/t to commenter Besame for the top one, which I really like):