Yesterdays diary as of 9:15 PM PST Newsweek investigation should be bombshell story of the week, but getting roundly ignored, hit 10,000 Facebook shares last night.
I was gobsmacked when this diary, Newsweek investigation should be bombshell story of the week, but getting roundly ignored, hit 10,000 Facebook shares last night. It wasn’t a particularly creative diary and was more venting on my part than anything else.
As a matter of pride in authorship I’d rather some of my other diaries — the ones I worked several hours on — got this kind of readership. I’m just glad that there’s a chance I did my bit, however tiny the influence of this diary was, to tweak the mainstream media into paying attention.
I have no idea whether 20,000 plus is a high number for Facebook Daily Kos diary shares. This isn’t about my ego — well — maybe a little.
On MSNBC during interview with Kurt Eichenwald.
I like people to read, think about, and hopefully appleciate what I write. However, like I said, this diary really had one simple proposition which was conveyed by the title. It wasn’t controversial among commenters, who all agree that the mainstream media has been enablers when it comes to Trump who was rarely confronted on his repeated lies.
A “simple” company consisting of 500 business ventures?
Hardly a simple company…. is that going to be is lame brained excuse after telling everyone what a massive glittering empire he’s built?
I want to thank everybody who shared this on Facebook. As for Twitter — I can’t see how many Tweets there were. For the majority of you who aren’t following this (it’s off the front page now) I wanted to to let you know that as a community we were a success in sending this message.
How about a poll now that the cynics on the last poll were proved wrong?
This has already been debunked. He can’t have his children run the companies. There’s no such thing as a blind trust when your family runs the companies you own.