“Human shingle and punchline”
The $14 million amount spent on chandeliers for his Atlantic City casino is oddly the same amount as the loan Trump’s dad gave him to get started.
The failure of the Trump Taj Mahal is much like forgetting that its namesake was a wife’s funereal monument and the Orange Promoter, much like his historical consciousness is safely lodged in the 1980s.
The three DJT casino bankruptcies in a public stock offers signals of what will happen to the US economy, much like Trump’s claim of getting to Pennsylvania Avenue one way or another with his hotel.
He is as he has always been— all celebrity, as Trump turned his marital problems into a Pizza Hut commercial in the 1990s. As much as many would like non-politicians doing politics, Trump is now but the blank parody of Reaganism.
The craziness is only for six more weeks, fortunately he will recede into brand-name obscurity after then.
“I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate... #overprepared
- Clinton’s best line (apart from “whew, OK!”): “I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And that’s a good thing.”
It is not surprising that Trump inhabits his own factual universe, in which truth is determined by usefulness and lies become credible through repetition. What made the first presidential debate extraordinary — really, unprecedented — was not the charges that Trump denied, but the ones he confirmed.
(Heh) Michael Gerson
39 seconds of event devoted to birther renunication
Yet perhaps Trump's biggest "one flag factory too many" moment was when he told news organizations that he would renounce his previous claims that President Obama wasn't born in this country. Trump's campaign event was covered live on all the major cable news channels. But instead of simply renouncing birtherism, most of the event involved Trump publicizing his newly completed hotel in Washington, DC, and various supporters touting his candidacy.