So I think, one of the areas of the first debate where Trump was really caught unprepared with any sort of convincing argument, was when Clinton brought up the many contractors stiffed by Trump in the past.
“I have met a lot of the people who were stiffed by you and your businesses, Donald. I’ve met dishwashers, painters, architects, glass installers, marble installers, drapery installers, who you refused to pay when they finished the work that you asked them to do,” she said, citing one architect in the audience.
“Maybe he didn’t do a good job and I was unsatisfied with his work. Which our country should do, too,” the billionaire businessman responded.
I suppose that might sound plausible. As a big-time real estate something or other, I am sure Trump has had to deal with contractors, both good and bad.
However, that kind of argument doesn’t carry water when it comes to the USA Freedom Kids — the musical performance group of 8 thru 12 yr old girls who performed at one of Trump’s rallies — and are now suing him.
The USA Freedom Kids said in a newly filed lawsuit the Trump campaign broke verbal agreements for performances at two events and refused to pay even a $2,500 stipend for the group’s travel expenses.
There was no merchandise table, and it wouldn’t have mattered if there was one: security didn’t allow the girls to bring any of their merchandise into the Pensacola Bay Center. They left it outside in the parking lot, where all of it—the t-shirts, the CDs, the patriotic posters—was stolen while the girls performed their act, Popick says.
The Trump campaign said they’d save seats for the scorned performers, on the condition that none of the girls spoke to the media, Popick said. Even this proved difficult, as the girls were still wearing their impossible-to-miss sequined flag dresses, and the Trump campaign had placed their reserved seats directly next to the media enclosure.
So this is a guy, whose claims to fame are that he is such a successful businessman, he is so generous and wealthy. Well, apparently that generosity and wealth does not extend to children; to his own supporters. You would think for someone of his wealth and generosity, a problem like this could easily be disappeared away, or not have even occurred in the first place. One would think, the way he is spurning them, they asked to see his tax returns, or something.
For Trump to go on the national stage and attack contractors, perhaps there is political capital in that for him. After all, one does not have to look hard in America for people who have grievances against contractors. But what would he have to say to defend his failure to reimburse a group of children? Who have been financially burdened over the course of supporting his political campaign, no less.
Keep in mind, this is not a billion-dollar, or even million-dollar lawsuit. The Freedom Kid’s organizer is only suing Trump for something like 10-15 grand — roughly the equivalent of the financial losses the group has accumulated due to the Trump campaign’s failure to uphold any of its promises.
But also keep in mind, Trump is the kind of guy who racked up thousands of dollars in fines for a flagpole that was needlessly taller than city ordinances, responded with a frivolous, multi-million dollar, multi-year lawsuit, finally settled with a requirement that he donate to a veterans charity, and apparently he paid it with other people’s money. Rich as he is, you can probably set your watch to all the times he will fight a lawsuit, no matter how much in the wrong he is.
Assuming we even have a second debate, I suggest Clinton bring up the USA Freedom Kids, and his effective effort at ruining them. For Trump, who claims he stiffs his contractors because they don’t do good work, how can he possibly explain doing the same to a group of young girls aged 8-12? Whatever excuse he comes up with, it can’t possibly go over well with anyone...other than the demographic that apparently hates cheerful patriotic girls.
But, I’m guessing Trump already has their vote.
Wednesday, Sep 28, 2016 · 1:03:56 PM +00:00
It occurred to me that, if it were brought up in a debate, some might think Trump would have a convenient out by attacking the organizer, Jeff Popick, rather than focusing on the girls. But then, Hillary could point that that Popick is only doing what Trump himself often gloats about: using America’s laws to their fullest extent to go after someone who he feels slighted him. “Do you, Mr. Trump, want to take the role of the contractor who failed to keep up his end of the bargain?”