I suspect most of us have seen Dean’s Tweet “Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?”
He has defended that comment on MSNBC.
He lists these characteristics of coke users: sniffing, grandiosity, delusions (denying he says what he does say and assuming no one notices his lie ((the last point is the delusion — assuming no one will notice the lie)), pressured speech* (used in the compulsive interrupting of Hillary).
In the interview he is asked if he is accusing Trump of being a coke user. Dean responds with a beautiful Trumpism.** Dean denies he is accusing but says it is something we should think about, repeating the characteristics that Trump has in commong with coke users. That’s the Trumpism, a control/dominance dirty trick Trump uses all the time.
* From Wikipedia “Pressure of speech (pressured speech) is a tendency to speak rapidly and frenziedly, as if motivated by an urgency not apparent to the listener. The speech produced, ... is difficult to interrupt. It may be too fast, or too tangential for the listener to understand.
**Trumpism — taking a small factual point and creating a false story around that fact and forming the story so that it insults or denegrates the person the Trumpism is aimed at. i.e., HIllary slips on an icy step therefore she has Parkinsons.
I love me some Howard Dean. I hope he comes up with more Trumpisms.