When you think of your favorite places, the cities you’d love to visit again and again, what comes to mind? Do you have friends there? Family you see all too rarely? Maybe there’s a restaurant that serves of the best pizza you ever ate. A museum that has that painting. An energy you’ve never found anywhere else.
Maybe it’s simply a lovely place.
But for Donald Trump, being attached to a city has another connotation. Here’s what he said at Monday night’s debate:
You need a better community, you know, relation. You don't have good community relations in Chicago. It's terrible. I have property there. It's terrible what's going on in Chicago. ...
And when I look at what's going on in Charlotte, a city I love, a city where I have investments, when I look at what's going on throughout various parts of our country, whether it's -- I mean, I can just keep naming them all day long -- we need law and order in our country. [emphasis added]
“I have property there.” “A city where I have investments.” And Trump’s call for “law and order” is attached to that ownership of property.
It sort of says everything you need to know about Donald Trump. And what it says … is kind of sad.
Feeling the need to take a trip? In many states, any registered voter can request an absentee ballot. Check to see if you can get one and vote early this year.