I’ve been around since 2008 on my current account. I’ve been content to lurk, and occasionally comment. But I’ve finally found something I have to diary about.
I am so annoyed with Trump and his surrogates droning on about how terrible Hillary is because Bill was unfaithful. Why are his infidelities her shame? And who the hell are they to talk about anyone's fidelity? Trump??? Giuliani??? Six wives between the 2 of them, and both of them serial cheaters???
So here's what I think she should say if he brings Bill’s behavior up to her face (although lets face it, he talks a lot bigger when his target is not in the room. Typical cowardly bully):
Sometimes, in our personal marital relationships, we give our spouse the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes that trust is violated. I'm sure Ivana and Marla could help you to understand that. But Bill and I love each other, and we work through our problems instead of abandoning each other without a glance back, or a moment's thought for the well-being of the other. We realize we are just stronger together.
And that willingness to buckle down and work hard to solve the problems we face is what I will bring to the presidency. I will not abandon the American people when the going gets tough. I will do the hard work it takes to solve our problems. Because we really are stronger together.
What in your background demonstrates the same steadfastness Donald?
Glad to have that off my chest.
Thursday, Sep 29, 2016 · 4:08:05 AM +00:00 · petesmom
12:06 AM EDT Whew! I never expected this. I published and went to eat dinner. When I came back I was already starting up the recommended list, where this diary has been the top of the list for about 4 hours! Pretty heady experience!
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful comments. This has been a great experience. I’m going to bed now, but I’ll be back in the morning to check in.
You guys are the greatest!