Alright dear Kossacks, it’s time to send “The Brat” to the corner. I’m talking about Dave Brat. He did us a huge favor by bumping off that pompous ass Eric Cantor, but it's time to send him back to the university, and take this seat.
And Eileen Bedell is just the one to do it. She is a lifelong Virginian. She graduated with honors from Virginia Tech, got her law degree from William and Mary University, and started a practice in central Virginia. She centered her practice on individual and small business law, helping her fellow citizens navigate the shoals of the legal system to improve their lives. She raised her children in Virginia.
She is strong on the issues. She wants to break the gridlock in Washington, and we need to at least narrow the edge if not flip the House in order to do that. She wants to protect and insure Social Security and Medicate. She respects 2nd Amendment rights, but also supports common sense gun control legislation. As a small business owner herself she well understands the headaches and complications. She supports infrastructure improvements, and wants to tax companies that ship jobs overseas.
This should not be out of reach. As a freshman incumbent, I don’t believe that Dave Brat has the entrenched support that Cantor had. He was a right fringe candidate, shocking Cantor by throwing his unpopular positions and tenure at him. And best of all, Virginia is trending strongly Blue this year, the latest poll I saw at RCP has Clinton +6. It might be nice if Tim Kaine could take a few hours to go and campaign with her in the district, raise her status and her name recognition. And it would be flat out suh-weeeet to flip this seat!
So, let’s send “The Brat” to bed without his dessert! To learn more about Eileen you can go HERE . To donate to the campaign you can go HERE . And to join in the fight you can go HERE . So, let’s make like Larry the Cable Guy and GIT ‘ER DONE!
Thanks as always for reading, and Go BLUE!